
additional star catalogues in MacOS

  • Jens Mascher

    Jens Mascher - 2020-01-10

    Hi there,

    I tried to install (paste) the UCAC4 star catalogues to get more depth in stars, but have no install/download dialogue in my "tools" folder (see attachment). Tried to paste the dat files into the data folder (Stellarium but nothing happend. Is there an advice what files (or complete folders) have to be copied in what folders to get more starts loaded?

    Thanks alot! Have a nice weekend!


  • gzotti

    gzotti - 2020-01-10

    The "Extras" tab has a button to download more stars (See Stellarium User Guide section 4.3.3). These are downloaded into the correct location in your User Data Directory (See Stellarium User Guide, chapter 5). You should never copy anything into the program installation folder.

  • Jens Mascher

    Jens Mascher - 2020-01-10


    I have not this button, sorry, pls see the sceen attached. Program tells me that all stars are loaded (correct for the standard data) but the program doesnt know where my new catalogs are stored before identified. I have the UCAC cataloges only in my normal Downloads directory, so, the program hasn´t yet found the data. The limiting magnitude of all stars is 18m0, so only the standard star catalogues are loaded if I understand correct...



  • gzotti

    gzotti - 2020-01-10

    When Stellarium tells you that all available star data have been downloaded, this is most likely true. You can check whether USERDATA_DIR/stars/default contains stars___*.cat files and whether they have been checked in the starsConfig.json in that same folder. You can also quit Stellarium, delete all files from there, restart Stellarium and download them again if you think something went wrong.

    Where did you get UCAC catalog files from, and whose instructions did you follow to place them "into Stellarium"? Appendix C in the Stellarium User Guide describes what kinds of data are available. I don't see UCAC.

  • Jens Mascher

    Jens Mascher - 2020-01-11

    Sorry, that was my mistake... I also downloaded some other chart software, as Sky Chart, and it seems the data are for this software, not for Stellarium.
    BTW: Will it be possible in the future to show stars beyond magnitude 18? That would help some people, because I do identify some of my image details by stars and their magnitude. With modern cameras and larger optics, this magnitude is reached in stacked images in relatively short time ;-)

    Thanks and have nice weekend!


  • gzotti

    gzotti - 2020-01-11

    I had suspected that.

    The star catalogs should be updated at some time. This effort should especially take care of correct proper motion handling. As soon as Mr. Anybody or Mrs. Somebody or both together can create a new star catalog from combined GAIA&Hipparcos data, Stellarium will have it. Currently this is at least not my focus.
    To go deeper, you can activate photographic survey layers: DeepSkySurvey and HiPS.
    I cannot say what Stellarum will look like 3-5 years from now, though.