

Anonymous hacknfly


WARNING WARNING WARNING You must use an xbox->usb connector adapter NO GREATER than 3 FEET. They come in 3ft and 6ft versions, the 6 ft version WILL NOT WORK!!!

Installation involves a few steps. Downloading and installing prerequisites, Installing LibUSB.NET Installing VJoy Virtual Joystick software. Plugging in the Steel Batallion controller and installing the drivers. Running the Steel-Batallion-64-MW4 executable.

By default the driver only installs 8 buttons. The only reason for this is that vJoy's default installation is 8 buttons. In Windows 8.1, go to vJoy folder -> Configure vJoy and set it from 8 to 39. Make sure its tab 1. And hit apply.
Then open up Simple.cs
On the line that says the following:
int vJoyButtons = 8;//change to 39 to fully support SBC, need to use vJoy config to change
//number of buttons to 39.
change the 8 to 39. Save the file. Make sure the program is using that configuration file where you saved it and start the program again.
There is a way to make vJoy programmatically change the buttons to 39, but that was going to take another 10 hours or so to do, and I had run out of steam for this update.
As far as gear shifter and communications knob, there are simply more axes on the controller than windows supports, so I only wrote some of them into the simple.cs demo. The program supports all the axes on the SBC, its just a matter of how you want to use them. I'll provide better documentation when I have another go at the program.


Here is a synopsis of the video. (In case it doesn't work)

Download the Steel-Batallion-64 zip file from this site:

Extract the zip file.

Download these two files:

The first file is the vJoy installation program, the second contains the configuration program and vJoy testing programs.

INSTALLATION ORDER MATTERS! OR at least you'll get less errors that way. Windows 64-bit versions require Kernel Mode Driver Certification (Expensive!). They will complain if you don't have it. Neither vJoy nor LibUSB.NET seem to have satisfying credentials as far as Windows is concerned. In order to bypass this hurdle, you have to have Windows in Test Mode. The vJoy installer takes this into account and the first time you open it (if you're not in test mode) it will give you a warning, and after clicking OK, it will restart your computer and place you into test Mode. Upon restart it will allow you to continue the installation.

Continue the vJoy installation. It will warn you saying that Windows can't verify the software, this is normal as it does not have Kernel Mode Driver Certification. Depending on your machine the installation process can take up to 5 minutes. Took about 2-3 on mine.

After installing vJoy go to the directory where you downloaded and unzip it. Since this program was written specifically for 64bit machines I'll assume you are using one and recommend you use the 64 bit configuration program.

Go on and run: vJoy2.0.1Apps\vJoyConf\vJoyConfx64\vJoyConf

Check off all the axes as well as the additional axes. Set the POVs to 0 and set the number of buttons to 32.

It should look like this:

Then click Apply. You should hear the same noise you usually hear when you unplug and replug a USB device. vJoy drive should now be ready.

To test it out, go to Game Controllers tab in Windows, you can do this by typing in "set up usb" in the Windows 7 Search bar. Its called "Set up USB game controllers"

It should look like this:

Click on vJoy Device, and click on the Properties Button. It'll bring up the vJoy Device Properties window. Click on the Test tab as circled below:

If you configured everything correctly and added the extra axes and buttons it should look like this:

Close everything out and install LibUsbDotNet_Setup.2.2.8.

Nothing special here, just SKIP the USB filter section at the end, its not necessary. If you had tried to install this before installing PPJoy and were not in Windows Test Mode then an error would show up over your Steel Batallion controller when you plugged it in

Plug in your Steel Batallion Controller let it Install, Open up Device Manager and right click on the Steel Batallion Controller and select update drivers,

[UPDATE!!!!] If you are running Windows 8, then I feel bad for you, however the modified inf file that is being used wit libUSB.NET is not signed. In Windows 7 when you turn on Test Mode, you can install uncertified drivers, Windows 8 takes an extra step, you can find out how to do this here: since old site is now down

After this is complete, you can finish installing the driver. Otherwise Windows 8 will complain saying it can't install 3rd party unsigned inf, or something along those lines.

select browse for driver and select the Drivers folder within the Steel Batallion Controller file.

You should now have everything you need to run the program, double click on the runSteelBatallion64 shortcut

Next, click File,Open and select Simple.cs from the same directory where runSteelBatallion64 shortcut is located

Click on Start, if all goes well, no Errors will show up inside the textbox, the Status label will change to Running and the lights on the controller will flash 5 times.

Calibration: Calibration is required, check out the calibration page for details. (Updates coming soon).

That should be it, e-mail me if you have any problems.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-06-08

    Originally posted by:

    Can you please teamviewer me? I need your help

    I don't know what I did right or wrong.

    my email is

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-08-25

    Originally posted by:

    any way to make it work in windows 8?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-08-25

    Originally posted by:

    bad link for windows 8

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-05-26

    Originally posted by:

    To the people looking to make it work for windows 8 and windows 8.1 you want to your restart button.

    Shift Click it.

    Go to Advanced Options.

    There will be a bar that will reset with the option of "Disable driver authentication"

    Restart like that, then disable the authentication. It will work perfectly fine from there (at least on 8.1)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-07-05

    Originally posted by:

    By "6ft will not work", what won't work?

    I am having some issues: I can get the device to be recognized, and the ALL the lights to come on on the SB joystick, however, the Simple.CS file throws an exception that doesn't seem to make sense. Pasting below.

    System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException?: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Win32Error?:GetOverlappedResult? Ep 0x01

    31:A device attached to the system is not functioning.

    at SBC.SteelBattalionController?.RefreshLEDState() in C:\Users\Santiago\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Steel-Batallion-64\Steel_Batallion?_64_v2\SteelBattalionController?.cs:line 281

    at SBC.SteelBattalionController?.TestLEDs(Int32 frequency) in C:\Users\Santiago\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Steel-Batallion-64\Steel_Batallion?_64_v2\SteelBattalionController?.cs:line 405

    at SBC.SteelBattalionController?.Init(Int32 Interval) in C:\Users\Santiago\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Steel-Batallion-64\Steel_Batallion?_64_v2\SteelBattalionController?.cs:line 329

    at SBC.DynamicClass?.Initialize()

    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

    at System.RuntimeMethodHandle?._InvokeMethodFast?(Object target, Object]()[ arguments, SignatureStruct?& sig, MethodAttributes? methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle? typeOwner) _

    at System.RuntimeMethodHandle?.InvokeMethodFast?(Object target, Object]()[ arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes? methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle? typeOwner)

    at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo?.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags? invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object]()[ parameters, CultureInfo? culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)

    at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo?.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags? invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object]()[ parameters, CultureInfo? culture)

    at System.RuntimeType?.InvokeMember?(String name, BindingFlags? bindingFlags, Binder binder, Object target, Object]() providedArgs, ParameterModifier[?](/p/steel-batallion-64/w/edit/ParameterModifier) modifiers, CultureInfo[?](/p/steel-batallion-64/w/edit/CultureInfo) culture, String[ namedParams)

    at System.Type.InvokeMember?(String name, BindingFlags? invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object target, Object]()[ args)

    at SBC.Worker.DoWork?() in C:\Users\Santiago\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Steel-Batallion-64\Steel_Batallion?_64_v2\Form1.cs:line 198


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-06

    Originally posted by:

    Yes I have the same problem, please respond and fix the issue. thanks

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-11-06

    Originally posted by:

    I get runsteelbattalion64 has stopped working.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-11-06

    Originally posted by:

    I didn't have the comments set up before to send me an e-mail.

    As far as the 6 ft usb cable not working. It will work intermittently, and then crash. Using a 6ft usb extension cable make the cable longer than the usb protocol will support without a repeater.

    As far as any other issues you may be having. I will be coming back to this project, but it is currently on hold until I get more time to work on it. I do have a Windows 8.1 machine now, so I'll be testing it on that and see if I can replicate any issues you may be having.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-04-22

    Originally posted by:

    Hey, I'm having a lot of issues with it and no one else seems to have my problem, In the configure vJoy I'm doing everything correctly, checking all the aces and making sure it's 32 buttons. I open up set up USB controllers, and go to test, and only the Z axis is lit up everything else has no response. I tried getting to the developer of vJoy and sorting it out but nothing is coming from it. Can you help me out?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-04-24

    Originally posted by:

    By chance are you using Windows 8.1? I upgrade half a year ago, but hadn't touched this project until recently. I'm working through some issues on it right now, as I have some rare downtime in some of my other work related projects. In your case, the first thing I would try is to isolate the problem and see if its vJoy or my program. I've had very good luck with vJoy so far and I doubt that's the source of the issue. There's a test program built into the vJoy download that lets you modify the values in the usb joystick panel without using anything related to Steel-Batallion-64. That would be my first try.


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