Activity for steel-batallion-64

  • Nicholas D Anderson Nicholas D Anderson posted a comment on a wiki page

    If you have a code already set up and I could just input my own button presses, that would be amazing.

  • Nicholas D Anderson Nicholas D Anderson posted a comment on a wiki page

    not far at all. Every time I try it, I just get a huge list of error codes, I am using the Simple.cs file that came with the program 3.01 and am just at a stand still.

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on a wiki page

    I was having trouble finding your question, people have been asking me questions using the ticket sytem mostly. I just moved so I don't have access to answer it directly right now. But you swould need to store the current state of the shifter and compare in the loop to the previous version to see when to send a button press. I think I might even have a bool already set up to say when the shifter has changed. How far have you gotten with this?

  • Nicholas D Anderson Nicholas D Anderson posted a comment on a wiki page

    So, this might not get answered but I'll try. I am looking to assign button presses to the gearlever. For example: Gear state 1 presses f2 and so on. How would you do this? I have scoured the internet looking for the answer but when I try to implement it, it just doesn't work. I don't know any code and I doesn't seem that complicated for someone who know how to. Please, it would be awesome to be able to set my throttle in Elite with the gear lever!

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #23

    I commend your efforts in creating an example for this. I do however want to point out that the source code is freely available on this site. Here is a link to the project's source code:

  • Graen M Paterson Graen M Paterson posted a comment on ticket #23

    I figured it out I basically hard code a deadzone into the pov and it works like a charm now.

  • Graen M Paterson Graen M Paterson posted a comment on ticket #22

    I will post my code to the ticket 23

  • Graen M Paterson Graen M Paterson posted a comment on ticket #22

    I figured it out, try adding deadzones into the code to fix the sensitivity Here's what I did for the POV int thumbstickDeadZone = 150; uint Neutral = 36500; if (((Math.Abs(controller.SightChangeX) > thumbstickDeadZone) || (Math.Abs(controller.SightChangeY) > thumbstickDeadZone))) { joystick.setContPov(1,getDegrees(controller.SightChangeX,controller.SightChangeY),1); } else { joystick.setContPov(1,Neutral,1); }

  • Graen M Paterson Graen M Paterson posted a comment on ticket #22

    If you open the exe with visual basic and use ILSpy you can get the source code of the program. Been messing around with it with not much success sadly. Its almost impossible to debug.

  • Graen M Paterson Graen M Paterson posted a comment on ticket #23

    You can get the source code by opening the exe with visual basic and use ILSpy, there you can see the scale. Been trying to fix it myself with no good results, its almost impossible to debug. One thing though, if the get degrees is above 36000 then it goes to neutral.

  • Graen M Paterson Graen M Paterson posted a comment on ticket #23

    So if you look at the raw data, it looks to be off and messing with the 360 axis, also keeping this in mind. I would suggest record the values of each quadrant using the raw data values in usb calibration. then have the program give out a specific hotas output (East = 9000) when the raw data reaches this value.

  • Naz Drala Naz Drala created ticket #23

    POV Hat calibration

  • Dylan Kelly Dylan Kelly created ticket #22

    Stick Sensitivity Unplayable (Windows 10)

  • Eric A Hendrix Eric A Hendrix posted a comment on ticket #21

    Please forgive my ignorace, but is there a guide for how one would go about doing that?

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #21

    It's the default in Windows, as windows only recognizes like 8 axes and buttons. You have to modify the simple.cs file or create another one to set up the mapping you need. On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 9:05 AM Eric A Hendrix wrote: I am in the same position, did you ever find a solution to this? [tickets:#21] Confused about using on Windows 10 Status: New Created: Thu Jul 23, 2020 01:29 AM UTC by Cassie Last Updated: Sat Sep 05, 2020 04:25 AM UTC Owner: nobody Hi, I'm very...

  • Eric A Hendrix Eric A Hendrix posted a comment on ticket #21

    I am in the same position, did you ever find a solution to this?

  • Michael Galotto Michael Galotto posted a comment on ticket #21

    update: i have it running but it only reconizes the sticks the pedals and 8 buttons.

  • Michael Galotto Michael Galotto posted a comment on ticket #21

    hi im also having trouble with the new v3.1 . Once i try to run the Steel_Batallion_64_v2. after instaling the sbc installer-33.0.1.exe it opens fine but then you hit start and it gives me an error. ive attached the error for your convience.

  • mr name mr name posted a comment on ticket #20

    Thanks for the reply and the work! I'll definitely give it a shot. (I'm using a separate yoke indeed)

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #20

    It worked, test the MWO_test.cs I attached above on July 2nd. However I wouldn't recommend this controller for Flight Simulator 2020. It's just not very precise. A good force feedback stick would probably be better or a yoke.

  • mr name mr name posted a comment on ticket #20

    Hey, just wondering if it ended up working with win10. Im gearing up for fs2020 and really hoping to dust off those controllers. Thanks for the work of putting this together btw.

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #21

    Did you download the latest, v3.1 and click on the SBC_installer_v3.0.1.exe? That should take care of installing things for you.

  • Cassie Cassie created ticket #21

    Confused about using on Windows 10

  • Mitch Hudson Mitch Hudson posted a comment on ticket #20

    Wow, thanks man you dodn't have to do that whilst on vacation. That's why I shut up and was leaving you to it till you got back. Again thanks you though, thats really good of you to take a look anyway, ill try it out later when i'm back from work. As for the user error, I was refering to me, I was the error. I've got no meds for my ADHD atm so everything turns into a pickle quite quickly for me for the time being :P BUT i have after nearly a week of swearing and crying got SBC64 running, go me! Thanks...

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #20

    I copied the code you had above and found the problem. It may have been referencing an earlier version of the program or it may have been a problem there all along, but there were several spots where the person was trying to get the state of a button and was not properly casting. If fixed those. I don't have mw5.cs, but I'm attaching a fixed version of the code you attached above. I tried fixing the indentation, as it was very hard to read and some of the code didn't seem to make that much sense....

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #20

    I'm on vacation, but I doubt I do I'll have to check when I get back, what was your user error? On Tue, Jun 30, 2020, 12:51 PM Mitch Hudson wrote: Then you wont hear from me again I swear? [tickets:#20] Win10? Direct X problems Status: New Created: Wed Jun 24, 2020 07:37 AM UTC by Mitch Hudson Last Updated: Tue Jun 30, 2020 04:51 PM UTC Owner: nobody Hello, does this and if not what can I use to get this twork with Win10? Sent from because you indicated...

  • Mitch Hudson Mitch Hudson posted a comment on ticket #20

    Then you wont hear from me again I swear?

  • Mitch Hudson Mitch Hudson posted a comment on ticket #20

    FYI I have it all working now, massive user error on my part. Sorry to trouble you! :P I dont suppose you have a working link for a mwo/mw5 sc. script do you?

  • Mitch Hudson Mitch Hudson posted a comment on ticket #20

    Awesome I will give that a go when I get a chance later, thanks for your help so far though. If you have a PayPal I'd like to buy you a beer!

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #20

    I'll have to try it later when I have access to my computer, but my guess would be that you might need to include Microsoft.DirectX; at the top. using System; using Microsoft.DirectX; using Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput; This is just a guess based on the error. On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 2:05 PM Mitch Hudson wrote: Cool, yes the simple .cs file does work, but when I use the below .cs file i copied and pasted into notpad++ off of

  • Mitch Hudson Mitch Hudson posted a comment on ticket #20

    Cool, yes the simple .cs file does work, but when I use the below .cs file i copied and pasted into notpad++ off of I get this error- c:\Users\fyrwo\AppData\Local\Temp\2xsynd0u.0.cs(2,17) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'DirectX' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?) using System; using Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput; namespace SBC{ public...

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #20

    Does the original simple.cs file work. Are you selecting the file through the menu? I'll have to carve out a bit of time later to try it as I haven't run it in years. On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 11:59 AM Mitch Hudson wrote: Hey thanks for getting back tome, I appreciate it! So Basically yes I extact the folder to my desktop, run the install from there as well as copy and paste (in notepad++) a CS file into the same folder that the original simple.cs file is. [tickets:#20]...

  • Mitch Hudson Mitch Hudson posted a comment on ticket #20

    FYI this come up when i use another cs file- c:\Users\fyrwo\AppData\Local\Temp\vjg41gsf.0.cs(2,17) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'DirectX' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

  • Mitch Hudson Mitch Hudson posted a comment on ticket #20

    Right I figured out the c.s file I got (made for Elite Dangerous) made by CrackMouse, that you helped with isn't working. Or I am not saving it properly in a cs file but yeah your progrm is working fine now. Whilst I have you, do you know oif a good recourse to learn how to make my own button config file? If not no worries and thanks for your help regardless!

  • Mitch Hudson Mitch Hudson posted a comment on ticket #20

    Hey thanks for getting back tome, I appreciate it! So Basically yes I extact the folder to my desktop, run the install from there as well as copy and paste (in notepad++) a CS file into the same folder that the original simple.cs file is.

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #20

    I haven't messed with this in years, however my first question would be does the change.cs file exist where the program thinks it's located. Based on your debug statement: C:\Users\fyrwo\Desktop\SBC_v3.0.1\change.cs

  • Mitch Hudson Mitch Hudson posted a comment on ticket #20

    I think i am not extracting/installing it to the right location...

  • Mitch Hudson Mitch Hudson posted a comment on ticket #20

    Hi again, gettin g Unhandled Exception Error when i start up the emulator. Details below- sorry I am a bit rubbish this kind of thing. Have been struggling with it for day now trying to get something to work. See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ** Exception Text ** System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\fyrwo\Desktop\SBC_v3.0.1\change.cs'. File name: 'C:\Users\fyrwo\Desktop\SBC_v3.0.1\change.cs' at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32...

  • Mitch Hudson Mitch Hudson created ticket #20

    Win10? Direct X problems

  • hacknfly hacknfly committed [r138]

  • hacknfly hacknfly committed [r137]

  • hacknfly hacknfly committed [r136]


  • hacknfly hacknfly committed [r135]

    unversioning some stuff that shouldn't be necessary

  • hacknfly hacknfly committed [r134]

  • steel-batallion-64 steel-batallion-64 released /SBC 3.1/

  • hacknfly hacknfly committed [r133]

    Added code necessary to allow program to emulate a x360 controller.

  • Kyle Biggs Kyle Biggs posted a comment on a wiki page

    Can anyone help me out with a few questions? 1. Is there any way to illuminate all of the lights at all times? I see where to set the brightness on button-press, but I'd like to have them all lit (dim) when not in use. 2. Is there any way to animate the lights, or have any control over them? I'd like to be able to have them react to things like shift-states, or just add generic 'animations' to make things look more interesting. 3. Where can I find more example .cs files? I'm learning all I can by...

  • Tyler H Tyler H created ticket #19

    Update vJoy

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #18

    Calibration Off

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #18

    I'm glad things worked out for you. I got caught up in some home issues I had to...

  • SpookyPoots SpookyPoots modified a comment on ticket #18

    I wouldn't mind it so much, but I want to use the controller for a game that doesn't...

  • SpookyPoots SpookyPoots posted a comment on ticket #18

    I wouldn't mind it so much, but I want to use the controller for a game that doesn't...

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #18

    1% isn't bad for a controller that old. There's ways we can create a deadzone around...

  • SpookyPoots SpookyPoots created ticket #18

    Calibration Off

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #16

    The wiki is reporting a 403

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #17

    Source code?

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #17

    I meant to get on earlier, but i couldn't remember my SF username. The code is readily...

  • Evan Falkenstine Evan Falkenstine created ticket #17

    Source code?

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #16

    Please try again, I linked the home page to redirect to the installation page, otherwise...

  • JWk JWk created ticket #16

    The wiki is reporting a 403

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #12

    Steel battalion controller monitor only recognized 8 buttons

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #15

    Windows won't detect controller anymore

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #15

    Glad you were able to figure it out. It really did seem like an electrical issue...

  • Ben A. Ben A. posted a comment on ticket #15

    I was tinkering around with the controller today, and I finally found the problem....

  • Ben A. Ben A. posted a comment on ticket #15

    First, thanks for the response. Honestly didn't expect a reply so quickly. As for...

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #15

    Will the light on the tunerdial come on? Just want to make sure it's not electrical....

  • Ben A. Ben A. created ticket #15

    Windows won't detect controller anymore

  • <REDACTED> posted a comment on ticket #13

    Hah! What an anti climax No Man's Sky was huh ? I'll give those other ones a try....

  • paulo costa paulo costa posted a comment on a wiki page

    dial dont work... gear level dont work.. invert pedals with -1* dont work...

  • paulo costa paulo costa posted a comment on a wiki page

    my dial and gear level dont work.. simple dont appear on calibration settings..

  • paulo costa paulo costa created ticket #14


  • paulo costa paulo costa posted a comment on ticket #10

    guys.. anybody hel here? i run SBC on star citizen too.. but my .cs file ( simples.cs...

  • paulo costa paulo costa posted a comment on ticket #12

    works with 39 buttons and 3 pedals. only gear lever and and dial dont work. just...

  • paulo costa paulo costa posted a comment on ticket #13

    first off all.. no mans sky is a piece of shit. rs.. play star citizen or elite dangerous......

  • <REDACTED> created ticket #13

    Windows does not pickup controller as unknown device

  • J. Golden J. Golden posted a comment on ticket #12

    1) The Steel Battalion Controller does not have inbedded drivers so anything other...

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified a wiki page


  • Michael Turiano Michael Turiano posted a comment on ticket #12

    Ty in advance

  • Michael Turiano Michael Turiano created ticket #12

    Steel battalion controller monitor only recognized 8 buttons

  • Adam Zbryk Adam Zbryk posted a comment on ticket #9

    Seriously looking forward to giving it a go! Will report back on 29/1/16 to see what...

  • hacknfly hacknfly committed [r132]

    recommiting file without merging errors

  • steel-batallion-64 steel-batallion-64 released /TunerDialExample.cs

  • hacknfly hacknfly committed [r131]

    Added code showing how to use tunerdial.

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #9

    Middle Terminal, Left Toggles, and Right Terminal buttons not Assigning

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #9

    Newest version of SBC 3.0.1 incoporates the new version of vJoy into the installer,...

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #11

    I think I've done something terrible in a past life...

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #11

    I think I've done something terrible in a past life...

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #4

    On fourth flash of controller lights, program crashes

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #8

    BackSpace not working

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #8

    BackSpace not working

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #8

    Just added a new fix to this in version 3.0.1

  • hacknfly hacknfly committed [r130]

    uploading all changes made to project that were...

  • hacknfly hacknfly committed [r129]

    testing to see if I can commit

  • Vincent Vincent posted a comment on ticket #10

    Hi there, thanks for replying! I managed to get most of the buttons to work with...

  • steel-batallion-64 steel-batallion-64 released /SBC 3.0.1/

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #8

    BackSpace not working

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #8

    I have actually been able to replicate this and am working on it.

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #9

    Middle Terminal, Left Toggles, and Right Terminal buttons not Assigning

  • hacknfly hacknfly posted a comment on ticket #10

    I had halted most development to the program, and I was going back through tickets....

  • hacknfly hacknfly modified ticket #10

    Generic Profile

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