
Stock Icons for powerserver web OrderEntry app

  • Miguel Leeuwe

    Miguel Leeuwe - 2019-01-19

    Hi Chris,
    I'm looking at the Order Entry web application and see that the stock ions of the menus show correctly. In my own application which uses your same menu, I don't see them.
    I guess I have to deploy some kind of a DLL in the AEM configuration, but don't know how.

    Could you document or export the configurations that you have in AEM for the Order Entry application?
    I've tried to look for documentation, but cannot find it.


  • Chris Pollach

    Chris Pollach - 2019-01-23

    Hi Miguel;

    No, the icons that I used in the OE App are built into PB2017R2/3 and there is no need to deploy any special DLL(s) for those icons as they are built into the PB run-time.

    Regards ... Chris

  • Miguel Leeuwe

    Miguel Leeuwe - 2019-01-24

    Hi Chris,

    So ... why can't I see them on the contemporary menu of OrderEntry, when running the application in powerserver WEB?
    I see them on the toolbars, but not on the left side of the texts in the menu items.


    Last edit: Miguel Leeuwe 2019-01-24
  • Chris Pollach

    Chris Pollach - 2019-01-24

    Hi Miguel;
    Sorry, I totally missed the fact that your question pertained to PowerServer Apps. Yes, PS Web menus do not display the icons on the menu items. Hopefully, the new PS 2019 coming out in a few weeks will address this shortcoming. I tested a beta of PS2019 way back in early December 2018, but did not take notice if the menus had changed. I was focused on testing the new Chrome V8 JavaScript engine that PS2019 now uses instead of the current MS-Webkit engine that PS2017 uses.
    Regards ... Chris


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