
#71 Folders with only case difference cause error

lee meador

I am using the stat-scm Maven plugin version 1.00. I suspect that equates to version 0.3.1 (but am not sure).

I have a folder in SVN that was originally created with the name 'FMQ' in all caps. I don't think the parent folder names matter here. Then we realized that all
upper case was wrong and changed it to 'fmq' in all lower-case (english).

Statsvn creates this file:

Nov 28, 2007 11:57:18 AM net.sf.statcvs.pages.Page write
INFO: writing page 'Directory
domain/src/main/java/com/aa/rti/business/domain/vo/FMQ/' to

and then a bit later it creates the same xml file with a lower case name.

Nov 28, 2007 11:57:18 AM net.sf.statcvs.pages.Page write
INFO: writing page 'Directory
domain/src/main/java/com/aa/rti/business/domain/vo/fmq/' to

There was a similar situation creating .png files as well.

When I run this on Windows, there is no problem (generating) but the file name has an upper-case FMQ but the contents reference the lower-case fmq.

But when I run this on
Linux, I get an error message as below:

[INFO] Error during page generation

Embedded error: Files
clashes with existing

Note that similar problems will possibly occur when there are subfolders of FMQ (or fmq) because the generated names include all the parent folder names.

The strange thing about this is that it seems as if generation should work on both OS's but Windows would overwrite a file and there could be something messed up on the report while Linux would be happy with the two names differing only by the case.

It also seems as if the xml file should maybe be named after the final name in SVN instead of some previous name but that is based on pure ignorance of how these HTML bits fit together.

(The problem could possibly exist anyway if all file usage was done on Linux and SVN was on Linux and there were folders (or files, maybe) with the same path but differing only by the case of their names. This, admittedly, seems a foolish thing to do but we've all
been less than wise at times.)


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