
Use Cases

Use Cases (1)
Vitaliy Liptchinsky

Examples of people coordination in the Statelets language can be found in the Examples project in the source code. The examples where developed using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
In order to try out examples, open the Statelets solution, set Examples as startup project and then run it in a debug mode (Program.fs contains functions representing several examples). Some examples also have accompanying dummy context providers that simulate integration of groupware and social networking services.

.) Analysis projects. This use case exemplifies implementation of a collaboration process based on MediaWiki engine. Collaboration is described as an evolving network of related documents. File: "usecase1.statelets"

.) Engineering projects. This use case exemplifies selection of a reviewer socially related to a development team. File: "usecase2.statelets"

.) Selection of a socially coherent team. This use case exemplifies declarative selection of a socially coherent teams that consist of 4 team members. The topology of the team is strictly specified (it should be square). This use case exemplifies suitability of statelets to detailed and specific social selection scenarios. File: "SociallyCoherentTeam.statelets"

.) Party organization. In this use case is reflected behavior of certain social network. Each person in the network starts in a Bored state. If there is a message observed in a persons Twitter news-line with the word party, then workflow for this person switches to WantToParty state in order to publish its intention. Alternatively, if at least two of the friends want to party, then the same effect happens. File: "party.statelets".

.) Map/reduce pattern. This use case exemplifies implementation of classical map/reduce. Statelets do not offer any specific means to support this patter, the use case only shows how this pattern can be implemented to better understand the language. File: "mapReducePattern.statelets"


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