c++ reverse engineering plugin for staruml doesn't support all c++ file extensions, apparently. it is not seeing .cc files. c++ doesn't really have a file extension, but ones that are commonly used are: .cc .cxx .cpp .hxx .hpp .h .cc (I don't know if .hh is one of those, but probably not).
when I went to the "Select Source Code" dialog, it would not see any c++ source files, and I could not change any file types to "ALL" to select any. the files are in a tree of course, like any c/c++ project. the project I am trying to import has no templates, it is turbo vision (uses .cc files). http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/tvision/tv203s.zip
StarUML with C++ module does not allow you to choose which C++ extensions you want to import, like ".mqh", ".mq4", ".mq5" (MetaTrader 4 and 5, very very close to C++).
I need to modelate my projects with the C++ plugin if the language is actually C++ (with slight modifications, for using the language for trading purposes).
Thank you for solving this request.