
#52 copy is broken


Hi , your copy functions is completely broken :
1) It doesnt copy correctly so when you paste they point to the same place in memory , whatever changes i do , all copied items are changed.
2) When you copy to another file there is a M on each class (i guess from missing). Why cant you implement a simple copy?

for this reason i am quiting from starUML , bye , i spent 3 days tying to fix this , and now i have to design everything from the beginning because it cant copy ,

thanks for creating this (crappy?) project , and making our lives difficult.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    lol , and you have marked the project as stable when it cant do a simple copy ? lol!!!!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I believe this is the way it is supposed to work - if you copy and pastes a view item, they both point to the same model object. I have had no problems copying and pasting when I copy and paste the model objects from one file to another.

  • triclosan

    triclosan - 2012-07-10

    Here is ( described procedure how to copy-past (Procedure for Copying and Pasting View Elements in Diagram). But doesn't work as it should - copy-pasting acts with lost of name Attributes and Operations moreover copied elements are not appear in the Model Elements-tree.


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