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Startpage Commences (again)

This is my first GPL release of startpage. I have been using "startpage" for a number of years now, but i have recently ported it to PHP.
You may be thinking ok, cool you give us some software but you don't tell us what it is, or why you did it?
What it is:
What startpage is is a project that i have been running for several years by myself, for myself. The idea was instead of using the browser's links system to go to your faverote page. (which often gets cluttered with crap and can be very annoying to fix up) I decided it would be better if the first page you visit were your faverote links, then you could clutter up your bookmarks all you want. I was uisng windows back them, so i wrote the startpage (twice) as a delphi apache GCI application. (Which i probably won't be releasing here btw). Up until I started using linux that was great. Then i meet with Kylix (Delphi for Linux) i have never used such a monstrosity. So after a while of having a static startpage (HTML) i finally decided to finnish it. So one night i stayed up to 4am, registered a sourceforge project and started writing.... read more

Posted by Arran 2004-04-05