
StartExplorer Eclipse Plug-in / News: Recent posts

We moved to GitHub!

From now on, you'll find this plug-in at

Posted by Bastian Krol 2012-02-26

Linux and Mac OS now supported!

Finally, this plug-in offers now Linux and Mac OS support - since version 1.0, which has been released today.

Posted by Bastian Krol 2012-02-23

Version 0.8.0 is out

Changed behaviour for "Show resource(s) in Windows Explorer" and "Start a Windows Explorer in this path": if you select a file (not a directory), the corresponding file will be selected in the Windows Explorer instance that is to be opened.

Posted by Bastian Krol 2012-02-14

Version 0.7.0 is out

Now it is possible to invoke the StartExplorer commands (predefined and custom ones) from the editor window for the file currently opened in the editor. If the current text selection is empty, the file being edited will be used for "Start Windows Explorer", "Start file with system editor", "Start cmd.exe", ...

Posted by Bastian Krol 2012-02-12

Version 0.6.2 is out

New features:
* Comprehensive documentation (in Eclipse, go to Help - Help Contents - StartExplorer Help)
* Two new variables for custom commands

Posted by Bastian Krol 2012-02-10