
#5 User call forward, desired behavior

SP PBX (8)

Note: current processing for follow-me routing is correct and should not be changed or affected by this request.

Current processing Scenario 1:

User1 turns call forwarding on, do not ring office phone, and enters the extension of User2 as the transfer number.

User2 does not have call forwarding turned on.

A call is made to User1's extension, the call is forwarded to User2.

User2 does not answer.

Call continues ringing on User2 extension and does not go to User2's voicemail. Caller has to disconnect.

Desired processing for Scenario 1:

After User2 does not answer the call should flow to User2's voicemail.

Desired processing for additional scenarios.

Scenario 2:

User1 turns call forwarding on and enters the extension of User2 as the transfer number.

User2 has call forwarding on, do not ring office phone, and enters the extension of User3.

User3 does not have call forwarding turned on.

A call is made to User1's extension, the user does not answer, the call is forwarded to User2.

Based on User2 having calls forwarded, do not ring office phone, the call is forwarded to User3.

If call is not answered by User3 the call goes to User3's voicemail.

Scenario 3:

User1 turns call forwarding on and enters the extension of User2 as the transfer number.

User2 has call forwarding on and enters an external number like their cell phone number.

A call is made to User1's extension, User1 does not answer, the call is forwarded to User2.

User2 doesn't answer, the call is transferred to the external number. Call resolution handled by external number processing.

Scenario 4, possible endless loop:

User1 turns call forwarding on and enters the extension of User2 as the transfer number.

User2 has call forwarding on, do not ring office phone, and enters the extension of User3.

User3 has call forwarding on and enters the extension of User1.

A call is made to User1's extension, User1 does not answer, the call is forwarded to User2.

Based on User2 having calls forwarded to User3, the call is forwarded to User3.

User3 does not answer, the call is forwarded to User1.

So, what should happen here?

The system should just keep transferring the loop until the caller hangs up.
The system should validate that a loop condition does not exist.
The system should keep track of the original call destination and if we get back to it,
If 'do not ring office phone' is not set, ring phone and on no answer go to voicemail
If 'do not ring office phone' is set, go to voicemail.
Call time in system timeout reached, play message "I'm sorry your call cannot be connected at this time." and disconnect the call.
Call time in system timeout reached, play message "I'm sorry your call cannot be connected at this time, transferring you to voicemail." and transfer to first user voicemail.
Call time in system timeout reached, play message "I'm sorry your call cannot be connected at this time, transferring you to voicemail." and transfer to first org administrator voicemail.
Other options?


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