
StarCCM - A CCM implementation in C++ / News: Recent posts

Dynamically deployment is available now!

The brand new release of StarCCM (version 2.0) now support deploying and managing the components dynamically.

Posted by anjb 2004-09-09

StarCCM 2.0 released!

This is this the multithreaded-version of starccm,and it now support not only the Microsoft Windows platform but also the Linux and Sun Solaris systems.Further more,dynamically deployment and management of the components is available as well.

Posted by anjb 2004-09-09

Dynamic changing assembly will be available in next version.

Dynamic changing assembly will be available in next version.

Posted by huangjie 2004-04-09

Graphic administrate tools will be available soon.

Graphic administrate tools will be available soon.

Posted by huangjie 2004-04-09

Graphic assembly tools will be available soon.

Graphic assembly tools will be available soon.

Posted by huangjie 2004-04-09

Custom thread model will be available soon

Next version StarCCM can custom thread model.
Now it is under testing.

Posted by huangjie 2004-04-09

StarCCM has supported TAO

StarCCM has supported TAO and Starbus now. If you need it, please contact us.

Posted by huangjie 2004-04-09

StarCCM 1.0 is released

StarCCM 1.0 is an OMG's CORBA Component Model(CCM) implementation in
c++ language. This software is developed by StarCCM Team of
This version provides service bean, session bean, entity bean,
corresponding containers and deployment tools. All codes are compiled
for OB-4.1.0 and JTC-2.0.0 successfully. This version also includes an
idl3 compiler and a cidl compiler, which resident in ccm\bin directory.
You can use idl3 compiler to generate CIF(Component Implementation
Framework) files. It also can generate an idl version 2.4 mapping which
will be used to generate ORB specific stubs and skeletons.
We have integrated OTS (Object Transaction Service) and PSS(Persistant
Service) in CCM application server. OTS and PSS implementations are in
individual subdirectory of current one. There is a PSDL language compiler
in pss\bin directory. The OTS is only for postgres. We have modified postgres
implmentation to supports XA interface which is needed by two phase commit
protocol. Enhanced postgres' implementation is shipped in corresponding

Posted by huangjie 2004-01-10