
STAF V3.4.11 and STAX V3.5.4 are available

STAF V3.4.11, STAX V3.5.4, and Event Service V3.1.5 are now available. You can find more information and download the binaries from the official STAF (Software Test Automation Framework) web site at These new releases contains new features, bug fixes, and documentation updates.

STAF V3.4.11 includes:

1) Operating System Updates:
-- Added support for Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8
-- No longer provide STAF builds for Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5 -- only 10.6 or later is supported via the STAF Mac OS X Universal installer files
-- Changed the STAF builds for Solaris Sparc 32-bit and 64-bit, x86, and x64 to no longer support Java 1.4.2 -- only Java 5.0 and later is supported

2) Installation improvements:
-- Changed to use InstallAnywhere 2012 FP 4 (instead of IA 2010) which supports newer operating systems like Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8
-- Added checks to the InstallAnywhere GUI and console installs to verify that the "STAF Instance Name" specified during that install is valid
-- Fixed a problem in the Linux AMD64 InstallAnywhere installer files where the Log service was not always being installed

3) Reliability Improvements
-- Fixed a problem where a FS COPY FILE/DIRECTORY request that uses the TEXT or TEXTEXT option could cause STAFProc to crash
-- Fixed a problem starting STAFProc on Solaris 11 caused by the STAF Solaris Sparc 32-bit installer file providing incompatible OpenSSL 0.9.8e libraries

4) Usability Improvements:
-- Added a check to verify that STAF_INSTANCE_NAME is valid when first starting STAFProc and, if not, to output an error and exit

5) Documentation Improvements:
-- Updated the STAF Python User's Guide to describe a workaround for a problem importing PySTAF on Mac OS X 10.7 when using Python 2.7 or later

STAX V3.5.4 includes a packaging change to provide Event service V3.1.5.

Event V3.1.5 includes a usability feature to provide the ability for the event generator to be notified when all registrants have acknowledged receiving the event.

Posted by Sharon Lucas 2012-09-29

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