
STAF noob here :)
So this is what I'm trying to do:
- Run a staf command on a remote machine (Remote123) from a local machine (Local456)
- Redirect the ouput to a local file on the remote machine (Remote123)
- Copy the file back from the remote machine (Remote123) to my local machine (Local456)

Commands I'm running on local machine (Local456):

staf Remote123 process start command returnstdout stderrtostdout stdout C:\Dropbox\output_remote.txt

staf Remote123 fs copy file C:\Dropbox\output_remote.txt tofile C:\Dropbox\logs\output_local.txt

The problem is - I want to see the output on the remote machine when the command is being run, but currently I cant. All I see is a blank window on the remote machine and when the command is done, the window shuts down and I can see the output in the text file.

I have no issues with STAF running the command or the text file output or the copy part to the local machine (everything's perfect), it's just that it would be very convenient to be able to see the output on the remote machine command window at run-time for debug purposes. If someone could help me do that without major changes to my commands, that would be really helpful :)

Thank you in advance!
