
connect to a SSTP server without routing internet traffic

Sinep Gnol
  • Sinep Gnol

    Sinep Gnol - 2018-12-23

    I have a Mac running MacOS Mojave. I need to connect to my work's VPN via SSTP, which I can successfuly accomplish using the sstp-client. However, the only reason I'm doing so is to be able to access our remote hard disk. Therefore I don't want to be browsing the internet using the VPN connection's (my work's) IP address. I need to retain my home computer's IP address and appear on the internet thereunder.
    So, is it possible to use the SSTP connection's IP address to only access the remote hard disk and remain on the internet under my home IP address?
    Thanks everyone in advance!

  • Sinep Gnol

    Sinep Gnol - 2018-12-31

    knock knock!

    • Eivind

      Eivind - 2018-12-31

      I did upgrade to Mojave lately, let me have a look.

      På mandag 31. desember 2018, 09:11:34 PST skrev Sinep Gnol <> følgende:

      knock knock!

      connect to a SSTP server without routing internet traffic

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  • Eivind

    Eivind - 2019-01-02

    Hi Sinep,

    What you are trying to do is to configure a "split" tunnel. That is certainly possible as the SSTP client software leaves routing mostly to the end-user / configuration (e.g. ip-up, etc). There's a few gotcha's you may watch out for in configuring the ppp daemon. Example: don't specify "usepeerdns".

    In your ip-up scripts (or if you are manually handling routing), you want to add a single route to your remote harddisk. You would typically add a route to the ip address of your remote harddrive via the gw (remote end of your tunnel) to that.

    Typically you'd do that using the route command from command line on your Mac:

    route -n add -host

    Where host is the ip address of your remote harddisk and the last IP is the remote end of your sstp link.

    In an eventual follow up, please also post the command line to the sstp-client you are running (except any credentials of course).

    • Sinep Gnol

      Sinep Gnol - 2019-06-23

      Thank you Eivind for trying to help me. I have been very busy during the last half a year but now I would like to finally resolve my issue. I am not computationally that well-versed, so I have not understood majority of what you wrote. The command line I use in order to connect to the VPN server is: "sudo sstpc --log-stderr --cert-warn --user "myusername" --password mypassword myVPNserveraddress usepeerdns require-mschap-v2 noauth noipdefault defaultroute refuse-eap noccp --log-level 5"
      Would you be please more specific as to what I should do in order to accomplish that I retain my home IP for the internet when connected using SSTP client to VPN? Thanks

      • smussche

        smussche - 2020-04-08

        Hi Sinep,
        Did you manage to fix the problem? I have the same problem here :/


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