
sstepd 0.1.7 released

Version 0.1.7 of sstepd, an userspace clock scaler for Linux 2.4, has been released.

sstepd adjusts your computer's CPU frequency on demand to minimize power consumption while maximizing its potential performance.
It can be used with schemes other than SpeedStep.

Good for laptop.

Usage on desktop yields some awesome/awful effect, or not at all.
Your mileage may vary.

sstepd has had big step forward in this release:

Configuration files support and more models/modes.

If we have enough modules, this should allow *very* flexible and usable

Changes from 0.1.6:

- The configuration file is now supported.
Note that this support is experimental, and it will
probably break if you feed strange stuff.

- The cputime load model now takes moving average.
(interval option in the config file)

- Following load models have been added:
'loadavg_1', 'loadavg_5', 'loadavg_15' (measures load average)

- Following power mode have been added:
'const' (constant freq/rate),
'linear' (linear scaler),
'binary' (binary stepper),
'powersave' ('powersave' governor),
'performance' ('performance' governor).

- Broken long option support has been fixed.
--help and --version, has been restored.

As usual, any feature breakage on this release is a bug.
Please report them, preferably at


Posted by Takahiro Yoshimura 2003-11-16

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