
sstepd 0.1.4 released

Version 0.1.4 of sstepd, an userspace clock scaler for Linux 2.4, has been released.
This release fixes the blocker which was introduced at as of 0.1.3 (previous version).

sstepd adjusts your computer's CPU frequency on demand to minimize power consumption while maximizing its potential performance.
Unlike current versions of cpufreqd, sstepd measures load on average CPU time comsumption.

sstepd can be used with schemes other than SpeedStep.

Good for laptop.

Usage on desktop yields some awesome/awful effect, or not at all.
Your mileage may vary.

Changes from 0.1.3:

- fixed statically set foreground/verbosity flags.
- added basic command line parser, and the man page has been updated.

As usual, any feature breakage on this release should be reported as a bug, preferably at


Posted by Takahiro Yoshimura 2003-08-09

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