
SST:LD a free RTS game. / News: Recent posts

SST-LD News Update 6

Hello! Well already two weeks have passed since our last news round. And so we have some of those in-game screen shots to show of. If you have visited the Forums then you would already know about these shots. read more

Posted by Myles Lambert 2007-04-07

SST-LD News Update 5

Hello! Well I think the 'news post a week' idea has just gone out of the window, sorry for keeping you guys waiting. Well this maybe not what we were hoping to give you guys but the animation is taking a lot longer than expected. But, we are getting somewhere. The main animations we are pleased with is the tanker bug and plasma bug animation. Below are the animations as .AVI format and archived as .RAR... read more

Posted by Myles Lambert 2007-04-07

Week 4 News

Hello! We have mainly been working on the bug units this last week and we got a new modeler called "Werewulf" who really has helped us out so a round of applause for him. He has completely re-skinned and made some tweaks to the models that really bring them to life.

So without further a due I give you (from left to right) the new skinned arachnid model, the plasma bug, the tanker bug, and the chariot bug.... read more

Posted by Myles Lambert 2007-02-19