
SSL Signature Check / News: Recent posts

Moving to Github

While I still haven't spent much time on this project since its creation, it is likely it will be moved to Github or BitBucket.

Posted by B Schuck 2019-12-25 Labels: Github BitBucket

Getting Started

I still haven't gotten beyond the planning stages. I have noticed two perl modules on CPAN that may save me some work. Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA and Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA.

Posted by B Schuck 2006-02-25

Project Kickoff


SPAM sucks. And I think that signed emails can be a solution.

I have the concept for this project all laid out in my little head. Most of the data flow is also moving around the gray matter.

My hope is that this effort and others like it are the beginning of the death of SPAM.

Posted by B Schuck 2003-06-26