I'm having a problem where pageScheme=false on a
page results in a timeout.
We have pairs of pages whose data collection page are
secure, but whose confirmation page is insecure. The
struts config file has both data collection and confirm
pages under the same action and are designated as
secure, but the confirm page has a
sslext:pageScheme=false to switch back to insecure.
If I take out the ssl:pageScheme (and let the confirm
page be a securely loaded page we don't get the timeout
Struts Config file....
<action path="/customerservice/contactUs"
scope="request" >
<set-property property="secure" value="true"/>
<forward name="contact"
<forward name="success"
contactUs.jsp has NO sslext:pageScheme reference
and loads as a secure page.
contactConfirm.jsp has the sslext:pageScheme=false
tag and times out. It loads okay (but securely) without
the sslext:pageScheme=false tag OR with a
sslext:pageScheme=true tag (but we want the page to
load as an insecure page).
This used to work on WAS4.x, but isn't working in
WAS5.1 as a side note.