I just installed OpenSSH for Windows on my WinXP Pro
machine. Once installed, I ran mkgroup and mkpasswd
for local groups and a single local user. Whenever I try
to connect to the server I get the following error:
setgid: Invalid argument
Here is what I see at the command line:
admin@localhost's password:
Last login: Sat Jul 10 23:13:36 2004 from localhost
setgid: Invalid argument
Connection to localhost closed.
C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin>
I am not on a domain and I don't have any unusual
network configuration. It's like it's getting connected
and then disconnecting me immediately. I searched on
google and it looked like there were some old forum
posts about this same problem, but no resolution. Please
let me know if you can help. Thanks in advance!
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I had the same issue. I ran the mkgroup for the domain and it
fixed the problem. If your user is a domain user, you may
have to do that. Try running the mkgroup for the domain.
Your restriction is still tied to the users in the passwd file, so
having extra entries in the group file wont hurt.
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but if not, if usernam is in group administrators, u shall change 513 (users) for 544 (administrators in passwd file