
Tree [9d0092] default tip /

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File Date Author Commit
 Tests 2022-01-20 ggb ggb [9d0092] Updated testing
 templates 2022-01-20 ggb ggb [9d0092] Updated testing
 .hgignore 2021-12-29 ggb ggb [1e8308] Use startup.template & allow adding of groups 2022-01-19 ggb ggb [2d58b4] Added debhistory
 edit 2022-01-04 ggb ggb [795077] Some debugging and added show-user utility.
 edit-md 2022-01-19 ggb ggb [4cd06a] Still trying to get README to show as expected.
 ssh-user-create 2022-01-20 ggb ggb [946fa9] Added debstatus
 ssh-user-delete 2022-01-17 ggb ggb [85a6c9] Completed README and other minor changes.

Read Me

Manage user for SSH remote server

The intention is to create (and delete) a user on a remote machine, where that user can be logged on to through ssh (no local user login, although you can still sudo into the user), and the user can only perform a limited set of tasks through ssh.


These are bash shell scripts to run on Linux systems. Because they are intended to be run on remote Linux servers they have the minimum of dependencies and only require the usual core Linux functions (including a bash shell command interpreter).



This script will create a new user that will be used as the target for an ssh link.

Command arguments

Command is of the format: ssh-user-create arguments

arguments are of the form keyword=value, where in all cases the keyword may be shortened to the first letter of the keyword.

None of the keywords are case sensitive, although the values in most cases are case sensitive.

arguments may be the following:

  • HELP

    This will display a help message.

    There is no value that should be specified with this keyword.

    If HELP is specified then other arguments will be ignored.

  • USER=logon-name

    This is a mandatory argument.

    Aliases for this parameter are U and USR.

    logon-name is the logon name of the user which the is to be created or updated.

    It is not an error if the logon-name already exists, as it will merely cause the existing logon-name to be updated.

  • KEYFILE=filename

    This is an optional argument.

    Aliases for this parameter are K and KEY.

    If specified, the filename must be the name of an existing file containing the public ssh key that will be imported into the list of authorised clients that may communicate with the newly created user.

    If no keyfile is specified then it will not be possible for anybody to connect to the new user through ssh.

  • GROUPS=list-of-groups

    This is an optional parameter.

    Aliases for this parameter are G, GROUP, and GRP.

    The list-of-groups is a comma separated list of group names (no spaces are allowed in the list). The newly created user will be added to all of the groups in the list.

    It is intended that these groups can be used to give the new user appropriate access to files that are group readable but not globally readable.

    All of the groups in the list must pre-exist.

  • ALLOWED=list-of_applications

    This is an optional argument.

    Aliases for this parameter are A, ALLOW, APPS, and APPLICATIONS.

    If specified it must be a comma separated list of applications that will be allowed to be run through ssh by the newly created user. Other applications may also be allowed by manually editing the startup.allowed file in the home directory of the newly created user, but the applications specified here will automatically be added to the startup.allowed file by the ssh-user-create script.

    None of the options are case sensitive.

    It is an error to mention the same application twice.

    The possible applications that may be specified in the list-of-applications are:

  • TEMPLATES=template-directory

    This is an optional parameter.

    Aliases for this parameter are T and TEMPLATE.

    If specified it is the name where the script should look for various templates it needs to operate.

    If not specified then the templates will be looked for in a subdirectory called ./template under the directory where the where the sftp-create script itself exists, or in the directory where the sftp-create script actually exists.

    The following template files are expected to exist in the template-directory:

    • startup - this file must exist.
    • showfile - this must exist if the showfile application is allowed.
    • readhash - this must exist if the readhash application is allowed.
    • showb64z - this must exist if the showb64z application is allowed.
    • showuser - this must exist if the showuser application is allowed.
    • isallowed - this must exist if the isallowed application is allowed.

    This is an optional parameter and takes no value.

    Aliases for this parameter are N and NOACT.

    If this is specified then the command parameters will be verified to be correct but no user will be created or updated.

If a user with the specified logon-name does not exist then it will be created. If such a user already exists then it will, if reasonable to do so, be updated.

If a .ssh directory does not exist in the home directory for the user then it will be created.

Files in home directory

The following files will be created in the home directory of the newly created user:

  • isallowed

    This file executes the isallowed command, and is included only if the isallowewd command is allowed.

    This file must be owned by root and have access permissions set to 0755 or 0555.

  • readhash

    This file executes the readhash command, and is included only if the readhash command is allowed.

    This file must be owned by root and have access permissions set to 0755 or 0555.

  • showb64z

    This file executes the showb64z command, and is included only if the showb64z command is allowed.

    This file must be owned by root and have access permissions set to 0755 or 0555.

  • showfile

    This file executes the showfile command, and is included only if the showfile command is allowed.

    This file must be owned by root and have access permissions set to 0755 or 0555.

  • showuser

    This file executes the showuser command, and is included only if the showuser command is allowed.

    This file must be owned by root and have access permissions set to 0755 or 0555.

  • startup

    This is the script that is executed when an ssh client connects to this user. It is responsible for managing application permissions for the ssh connection.

    This file must be owned by root and have access permissions set to 0755 or 0555.

  • startup.allow

    This is the file that determines which application the user is allowed to execute. If new applications are desired to be permitted for the user, or old permissions removed, then this file must be edited.

    This file must be owned by root and have access permissions set to 0755.

  • startup.log

    This is a log that is written to by the startup script.

    In many situations the startup script will fail without displaying any message to the screen, and in that case you should look at this file to investigate the error.

    Messages written to this file are often also sent to syslog.

    If a lot of messages are being sent to this file you might wish to do regular housekeeping to ensure this file does not get too large.

  • startup.msg

    When startup invokes a command it redirects STDERR to this file. That means that often when commands fail they will not display any error messages and you should look into this file to further investigate the cause of the failure.

    If a lot of messages are being sent to this file you might wish to do regular housekeeping to ensure this file does not get too large.


echo ============================
echo "Setting up new user"
echo ----------
sudo ssh-user-create u=test1 k="$HOME/.ssh/" g=adm,root a=hash,b64z,file,sftp,user,sensors,df
echo ============================
echo "Reporting status of user"
echo ----------
ssh test1@localhost "showuser -me"


Setting up new user
Adding user `test1' ...
Adding new group `test1' (1001) ...
Adding new user `test1' (1001) with group `test1' ...
Creating home directory `/home/test1' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
ssh-user-create: Keyfile '/home/ggb/.ssh/' imported to '/home/test1/.ssh/authorized_keys'
ssh-user-create: Startup script created.
ssh-user-create: Startup allow created.
ssh-user-create: '/home/test1/startup.log' created.
ssh-user-create: '/home/test1/startup.msg' created.
ssh-user-create: Application key 'readhash' added for user.
ssh-user-create: Application key 'showb64z' added for user.
ssh-user-create: Application key 'showfile' added for user.
ssh-user-create: Application key '/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server' added for user.
ssh-user-create: Application key 'showuser' added for user.
ssh-user-create: Application key 'sensors' added for user.
ssh-user-create: Application key 'df' added for user.
Reporting status of user
# User details for test1
-   name: test1
    id: 1001
    comment: Created by ssh-user-create for ggb,,,
    logon-status: Unknown
    primary-group: test1
    -   test1
    -   root
    -   adm
    running-processes: 25
    ssh-authorized-keys: 1
    home: /home/test1
    shell: /home/test1/startup
    -   "readhash"
    -   "showb64z"
    -   "showfile"
    -   "/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server"
    -   "showuser"
    -   "sensors"
    -   "df"



This script will delete users created by ssh-user-create. It will not attempt to delete users that were not created by ssh-user-create.

Command arguments

Command is of the format: ssh-user-delete logon-name

Where logon-name is the name specified in the USER argument when running ssh-user-create.


sudo ssh-user-delete test1


Looking for files to backup/remove ...
Removing files ...
Removing user `test1' ...
Warning: group `test1' has no more members.