
SserpEngine_lite / News: Recent posts


After some problems with my Harddrive (loss of mainly all my datas) I've finally finished the german tutorial ( ->kram) and the english version of the Engine.

Next I'll add some simple 2D-graphic-functions.

Paul "Puhmann" G.

Posted by Paul Grunert 2005-08-04


Ok the laste release were really ugly. Here is a new with some Input function packed into a .dll.
New beginnig, better Engine ... i hope ;-)
The first release is in german only, well I'll translate it later. I'll also write some tutorials, one about how to use the Input funktions (ger/eng) and one about how programme such Input functions(ger only).

Hope to finde some more time for this Engine.

Posted by Paul Grunert 2005-03-31

Version 1

The first Version is going online. With the help given by the engine you can easily controll the Input functions of DInput.

Posted by Paul Grunert 2003-09-03