
Java Serial Servo controller / News: Recent posts

Long time... NO see...

I all!

Was some time ago I looked in to this project... as you might expect it will be rewritten from scratch. I think I will be using Java instead. Making the twist of this a little bit different. Hope you stay around and have a look later on...

The rewriting have started with some initial tests... more to come...


Posted by Rikard Eggers 2008-01-16

First release is to come...

So... I have completed or atlist managed to make a pretty stabile version of the WCD... YES! it works... and works like it is supposed to do also... I am currently making the PHP pages so that you can use them as a base or "as it is"... I only have little left... the first release is to come before Christmas!


Posted by Rikard Eggers 2003-12-07

Going slow...

Yes... its going very slow on the work of this project... Why you ask... and I answer: My motivation is very low for this project, but dont think I have forgotten all about it... because I havent! It will be up and running as soon as I have some time over from my BIG BIG school project... trust me on this :)

C ya soon...


Posted by Rikard Eggers 2003-11-13

Up and running... almost atleast...

The new plans I had and have are being programmed today! At least started with... it makes the handling of the WCD a bit easier and the bug/errors are very nearly gone...


Posted by Rikard Eggers 2003-08-24

"How it goes"

Well the programming work have been down for about a month now... and you might think: "Hey! Why is that?!" And the answer I have to give is that I have summer holiday and because of that I havent been home much... what have I done for the project then? Well I have actually planned pretty much and should start the plans next week... so keep looking here... it shouldnt take to long time for me to make the FIRST realese... and YES... it is comming... just be paitent...... read more

Posted by Rikard Eggers 2003-08-08