
Snort Rules Remote Access Management / News: Recent posts

SRRAM v0.7 Released

There have been many changes to the console in this release. It is much much easier to use. Please upgrade!
Any comments or suggestions are very welcome at:

Posted by Kevin Black 2002-12-13

Release 0.6

There have been many bug fixes in this release. All of the known HTML bugs in the console have been fixed as well as some special case bugs and MySQL password bugs. Please upgrade if possible.
I also added basic search by keyword/phrase functionality.
Please feel free to e-mail me at if you have any questions/comments/issues...

Posted by Kevin Black 2002-11-13

Installation concerns

I understand that the installation can be a little confusing right now. We are working a a better way right now. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or comments. Its worth it as once this is up and running the rules update every day without any user intervention.
It is probably best to use the mailing list but feel free to e-mail me at kblack@mbsecuresolutions as well.

Posted by Kevin Black 2002-10-31

release 0.5

There have been many bug fixes in this release. Please review the buglist for details. If you downloaded a previous release please update.

Posted by Kevin Black 2002-10-30