
srcpd: modular SRCP server / News: Recent posts

srcpd 2.1.7 release

The srcpd is a gateway between any kind of model railway systems and user interface programs that support the Simple Railroad Command Protocol SRCP.

The 2.1.7 release provides some bug fixes. See list below for more information.

srcpd-2.1.7 (2024-05-03)
Fixed Bugs
o Remove usage of MAXPATHLEN to provide HURD compatibility
o Fix name spelling errors
o Include stdlib.h to fix gcc 14 compiler warning
o Replace SYSFS by ATTRS in udev rules files... read more

Posted by Guido Scholz 2024-05-03

srcpd 2.1.6 release

The srcpd is a gateway between any kind of model railway systems and user interface programs that support the Simple Railroad Command Protocol SRCP.

The 2.1.6 release provides some bug fixes. See list below for more information.

srcpd-2.1.6 (2023-03-05)
Fixed Bugs
o Implement GL locks on item level (patch provided by Simon Ahrens)
o Spelling errors in source code and man pages (hint by Hilmar
Preuße).... read more

Posted by Guido Scholz 2023-03-05

srcpd 2.1.5 release

The srcpd is a gateway between any kind of model railway systems and user interface programs that support the Simple Railroad Command Protocol SRCP.

The 2.1.5 release provides several bug fixes as well as some new features. See list below for more information.

srcpd-2.1.5 (2020-06-05)
Fixed Bugs
o Revert timing problem fix (r1743)

New Features
o Adjust handling of extern variables to comply to gcc-10 linker... read more

Posted by Guido Scholz 2020-06-05

srcpd 2.1.3 released

The srcpd is a gateway between any kind of model railway systems and user interface programs that support the Simple Railroad Command Protocol SRCP.

The 2.1.3 release provides several bug fixes as well as some new features. See list below for more information.

srcpd-2.1.3 (2015-04-23)

Fixed Bugs
o Fix GA unlock.
o Fix incomplete handshake.
o Fix syslog message buffer overflow.
o Fix missing 102 INFO message for TERM GL.
o Fix needless INFO LOCK message on TERM GL.
o Fix serial line read on unusable Lenz module.
o Fix missing 102 INFO message for TERM GA.
o Fix needless INFO LOCK message on TERM GA.
o Fix potential buffer overflow.... read more

Posted by Guido Scholz 2015-04-23

srcpd 2.1.2 released

The srcpd is a gateway between any kind of model railway systems and user interface programs that support the Simple Railroad Command Protocol SRCP.

The 2.1.2 release provides several bug fixes as well as some new features. See list below for more information.

srcpd-2.1.2 (2013-01-26)
Fixed Bugs
o Fix Lenz GA address handling (bug introduced in version 2.0.11).
o Fix usage of XEvtLok in IB module.
o Fix baud rate negotiation in IB module.
o Reject INIT GL if device is locked... read more

Posted by Guido Scholz 2013-11-26

srcpd 2.1.1 released

The 2.1.1. release fixes a few regressions of the 2.1.0 release.


srcpd-2.1.1 (2010-03-07)
Fixed Bugs
o Fixed Loconet module start up.
o Fixed not delivered INFO messages.
o Fixed opensuse i2c module compile error.

Posted by Matthias Trute 2010-03-07

srcpd 2.0.12 released

Fixed Bugs
o Fixed some non ASCII characters in English man pages.
o Fixed missing time controlled back switching of GA ports in
loopback module.
o Fixed accessory address calculation for lower four addresses in
DDL NMRA module.
o Fixed potential loss of INFO messages if they are send close one
after another (e.g. FB messages).
o Fixed some Cygwin compile issues.
o Fixed Loconet address shift for INFO GA messages (reported by
David Rütti).
o Fixed session id check for GM delivery.... read more

Posted by Matthias Trute 2008-11-19

srcpd 2.0.11 released

srcpd-2.0.11 (2008-01-27)
Fixed Bugs
o Fixed »switch power on« bug for DDL module.
o Fixed microsecond value for GA initialization.
o Fixed wrong milli-second format for INFO GA (was e.g. »x.6«
instead of »x.006«)
o Fixed wrong server time format for SM messages (same as above).
o Disabled writing to 'stderr' during normal operation, this fixes
broken debian package updates and srcpd misbehavior in SuSEs
runlevel editor.
o Fixed daemonization, process now is detached from controlling
terminal properly.
o Fixed a lot of not closed file descriptors, free memory allocated
for configuration data, free used mutexes and condition variables.
This prevents srcpd from eating system resources.
o Fixed system freeze on Linux 2.4 kernels using ddl-module.... read more

Posted by Matthias Trute 2008-01-27

Code managed with Subversion

As of today most of the historical code is transferred to Subversion code repository.

The conversion could not keep all data and all old states. Some files deleted long long ago (aka moved to Attic) may be lost forever, so do not expect that the old branches may build the binaries.

CVS is still active but should _not_ be used for active development any more.

Posted by Matthias Trute 2007-11-24

IANA has assigned srcp to port 4303

SRCP now has it's own portnumber and protocol name.

srcp 4303/tcp Simple Railroad Command Protocol
srcp 4303/udp Simple Railroad Command Protocol

Posted by Matthias Trute 2007-01-22

srcpd: Version 2.0.10 released

This release adds basic loconet support and provides enhancements for Selectrix and LI100. Some internal
changes for better support of Linuxx kernel2.6 and
64 bit architectures.

From the SRCP 0.8.3 the SET FB feature was implemented. Most
useful for the loopback bus, others may suffer from hardware

Not to forget numerous bugfixes and stability improvements.

Binary packages are provided when they are made.

Posted by Matthias Trute 2006-12-09

SRCP 0.8.3 released

notably changes since SRCP 0.8.2
- no more wildcards (no one ever implemented them, they are really difficult)
- handshake phase has a new error code 410
- time stamp may be derived from TIME device or a simple counter, not
all systems habe a system time
- GA may use Seletrix
- FB may be set via protocol
- changed sgml to docbook xml, translated into (some kind of) English

Posted by Matthias Trute 2006-07-27

srcpd: Version 2.0.9 released

Release 2.0.9 of the srcpd is ready
most important changes are
- default values for all parameters

- major ddl enhancements

- cygwin (Windows) Support

- major code restructuring

- minor internal cleanups and the usual

Posted by Matthias Trute 2005-12-16

srcpd2: web based config file generator online

The URL provides a simple but comfortable config file generator. You may simply select the devices you want to attach with there respective settings and it will give an ready-to-use config file.

Any comments and wishes direct to the mailling list

Posted by Matthias Trute 2005-11-28

srcpd2 Version 2.0.8: debian packages

For the major architectures we provide debian packages of
the current srcpd version. These packages are mostly
untested and do need feedback from users.

Posted by Matthias Trute 2005-07-02

srcpd2 Version 2.0.8 released

Major Enhancements
- Support for selectrix based systems
- Support for ZIMO devices
- full GL device group support
- temporarily dropped GA (till next release?)
- varios improvements for LI100 (Lenz)
- i2c connections made more flexible
- hsi-88 improvements
- DDL (Digital Direct for Linux) integration
- short detection
- automatic deactivation of GA after specified delay
- emergency stop for GL (M protocols)
Minor changes
- XML configuration ignores property number for definition of
busses. They are simply numbered as they appear in the configuration.
- internal changes for better portability and stability

Posted by Matthias Trute 2005-06-24

Clients: graphical NMRA/DCC programmer for SRCP 0.8

Johann Vieselthaler has ported the NMRA programmer
to SRCP 0.8 and made a nice GUI for it. Please see the
screenshot section to get an impression.

Posted by Matthias Trute 2005-05-21

srcpd2 Version 2.0.7 released

News 2.0.7

- reenabled support for Lenz Interface LI100
- major Intellibox updates
- Loopback Dummy device improved
- changed default config file to match SRCP defaults
- SRCP implementation closer to standard

- stricter error checking
- improved build system
- internal code cleanup

Posted by Matthias Trute 2004-12-19

srcpd2 Version 2.0.6 released

Neben Bugfixes auch eine direkte Signalgenerierung
via serieller Schnittstelle.

Posted by Matthias Trute 2004-05-27

srcpd2 - fnfte Beta

Announce 2.0 Beta 5 - Herbst 2003 -

Gegenber der Beta 4 gibt es die folgenden

- SRCP Kommando CHECK
- IPv6 Support (reicht zumindest fr localhost),
dafr ist das listen-ip Feature temporr entfallen.
- mehr Doku im README
- Intellibox
- Unter Linux ohne Kernelmodul
- Serielles Interface pat sich IB an.
- Bugfixing
- 6051 hat nur maximal 4 Funktionen
- Defaultwerte beim 6051 sind so, wie
Mrklin dies will (alle Loks fahren vorwrts)
- Netzwerkcode weniger anfllig... read more

Posted by Matthias Trute 2003-10-19

srcpd2 vierte Beta

Announce 2.0 Beta 4 - Sommer 2003 -

Gegenber der Beta 3 gibt es die folgenden

- Bugfixes
- SRCP: Description funktioniert jetzt
- Treiber:
6051 kann unter Linux2.4 Daten einlesen
Intellibox Updates
- Konfiduration: listen-ip: Setzt eine IP Adresse,
die der Server benutzen soll (default: er bindet
sich an alle vorhandenen)
- Suse 8.2 Startskript (sollte auch fr ltere Susen
und andere standardkonforme Linuxe funktionieren)... read more

Posted by Matthias Trute 2003-08-28

srcpd2 dritte Beta

Gegenber der Beta 2 gibt es die folgenden

- Bugfixing, viel Bugfixing
- Anpassung an das neueste SRCP 0.8.2
* Timestampformat
* Busdescription, POWER
* WAIT bei FB und TIME
- loopback Bus erweitert
- INFO Modus fr beliebig viele Sessions
- Diagnosemglichkeiten ausgebaut
- Doku erweitert

Damit ist das SRCP 0.8 in wesentlichen Zgen umgesetzt. Der Server
luft auch hinreichend stabil, um es fr einen wirklichen Einsatz zu

Posted by Matthias Trute 2003-02-22

srcpd2 zweite Beta

Announce 2.0 Beta2

Dies ist die zweite Testfassung des renovierten srcpd.

Sie wird verffentlich um
# einen SRCP 0.8 kompatiblen Server fr die
gngige Hardware bereitzustellen
# die neue Architektur zu testen
# Mitstreiter zu finden

Gegenueber der ersten Beta gibt es die folgenden
wesentlichen Aenderungen

- FreeBSD Portierung
- Neue Hardware auf der Basis des I2C Busses
- Viele Bug weniger, einige neue mehr.
- ServiceMode (Intellibox)
- Mehr Doku (fuer Entwickler, aber auch Anwender)... read more

Posted by Matthias Trute 2003-01-10

srcpd2 erste Beta

viele Neuigkeiten: SRCP 0.8, eine Frameworkarchitektur, Untersttzung von mehreren Systemen gleichzeitig u.v.m.

Es ist eine Betaversion, Fehler und Anmerkungen bitte mit Nachsicht an die Autoren senden. Danke

Posted by Matthias Trute 2002-09-27

srcpd 1.1 fertig

Untersttzt weiterhin das SRCP 0.7.3, ist aber viiiel besser als sein Vorgnger!!

- Bugfixes (wie immer bei solchen Gelegenheiten)
o Netzwerkocde
o Threadprogrammierung
o Hardwareansteuerung
- Installation als rpm und deb
- Neu: HSI-S88 Untersttzung
- Neu: Intellibox mit Kernelmodul fr optimale Untersttzung
- Linux Standard Base kompatibel, kann beim
Systemstart aktiviert werden.

Posted by Matthias Trute 2002-03-29