
Shadowrun 4th edition toolset / News: Recent posts

Been a while

Well it's been a while since there was an update on this projet. Fortunatly there is still something going on. We have 2 binary to release soon and another one is one the way. Files will be available for download soon.

Posted by Frédéric Potvin 2008-02-17

Look like we might need to wait longer

I got a reply to my request :

This sort of question has to be answered by WizKids, as they own the IP. I've forwarded your message to Mike Mulvihill there. They sometimes take quite a bit of time to reply, just so you know.

Posted by Frédéric Potvin 2006-11-24

Waiting for WizKids Inc. approval

We are in procedure to get the approval for our use of their copyrighted materialsd in our software. As soon as we get their permission to use it we will be able to legaly release our first version of the toolset.

Posted by Frédéric Potvin 2006-11-22

Project is now on sourceforge

Our project is now on sourceforge and ready to roll. Right now the Dice Roller and the Range combat calculator. At the moment the source will not be available to the end-user. We will post it once we release 1.0

Posted by Frédéric Potvin 2006-11-21