
SR4 Chararcter Generator / News: Recent posts

It's Been a while...

I change the ergonomy of the applet to make it more snappy :
You don't need to clic the "calcul" button to know the cost of your character anymore.
Yeah I know, it's not anything great but it was bugging me...

I had problem with reading some text files from internet with the applet to, but I think I'll do something about that latter... or not. Anyway, I'm going to let the user write himself, the skill, Qualities, spells, etc...

Posted by Bertrand Vié-Ducasse 2009-10-13

Here we go

So it begin...

The applet work somewhat but isn't complete. (among other things, the database is empty.)

Now you can choose your attributes, metatype, awakening and skills (though as I said, the database is inexistent.)

It's my first project on sourceforge, so it might take some days for me to get used to it. Anyway

Posted by Bertrand Vié-Ducasse 2008-06-30