Amavisd-new is catching all html composed emails that
contain attachments and marking them as having bad
headers. I've used both Squirrelmail 1.4.8 and 1.5.1
with the latest html_mail plugin installed.
This only happens when there is an attachment. It
seems to be something with the nested multipart types
(alternative and mixed).
Error Specifics:
Cyrus-imap 2.2.12
Squirrelmail: 1.4.8 and 1.5.1
PHP 5.1.6 (have not tried it with php 4)
Amavisd-new version 2.4.3 and version 2.2.1 (same error)
perl Module MIME::Parser 6.108 and 5.4
mta amavis[9774]: (09774-01) WARN: MIME::Parser error:
SeveredPreamble: unexpected end of preamble [in
multipart message]; EOSToken: EOF; EOSType: EOF
I'm willing to tweak code and help out any way I can.
A sample of an email that is caught.