
SQuirreL SQL Client / News: Recent posts

ANNOUNCE: Version 2.6.1 will be made available soon

We are aware that the 2.6 release contains a critical packaging flaw that prevents launch on some platforms:

as well as a bug causing tables in the object tree to appear unsorted alphabetically: read more

Posted by Rob Manning 2007-10-23

SQuirreL SQL Client version 2.6 released

The 2.6 version has been prepared for download. It's been about six months since we released 2.5 so there are quite a few enhancements and bug-fixes. The release notes and change log are available here:


Posted by Rob Manning 2007-10-20

SQuirreL SQL version 2.5 released


Version 2.5 is now available for download. Enjoy!

2.5 (4/7/2007)


- Updated Czech translation (Thanks to Jan Kostrhun)
- Updated Simplified Chinese translation (Thanks to xpdz)
- Updated French translation (Thanks to Erwan Duroselle)
- Updated Italian translation strings (Thanks to Ivo Neri)

- When the user control-clicks on an identifier in the SQL editor it takes you
will show that object in the object tree (Same behavior as Ctrl-b).... read more

Posted by Rob Manning 2007-04-07

Version 2.4.1 released


A new bugfix release is now available.

Changes since 2.4:


Updated Simplified Chinese translation strings (Thanks to xpdz)
Updated French translation strings (Thanks to Erwan Duroselle)

1659412 TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE shows as <Unknown (-101)> - Support was added
for rendering values of columns with this Oracle-specific type.
1617839 (Line with spaces does not separate SQLs)
1639680 (Cannot export smallint and decimal to excel)
1635259 (Session menu has two items with mnemonic "t")
1639662 (Block comments can be ended prematurely)... read more

Posted by Rob Manning 2007-03-04

Version 2.4 released

2.4 (12/31/2006)

Changes since 2.3 Final:

New Features/Enhancements:

Note: This is the first release of SQuirreL that specifically requires JDK 1.5
or higher to compile and run. The build scripts and the installer now check for
at least 1.5 before proceeding.

MS Excel export of displayed tables:
Besides the exporting tables displayed in SQuirreL to CSV files it is now
possible to export to MS Excel files. Thanks to Andr� Schild for the patch.... read more

Posted by Rob Manning 2006-12-31

Version 2.3.2 released

2.3.2 (Stable bug-fix release)


OraclePlugin bug: Use a new info tab instead of re-using. Otherwise,
the tabs will not display properly

Fixed an NullPointerException that occurs occasionally when an object in
the object tree (like a table) is refreshed.

Fixed an issue involving objects not appearing in the object tree for

1508503 (Double entry for each column fields): Don't add the column to the
list if it is already there - uses the fully qualified version of the column,
so may still see duplicate columns with different types.... read more

Posted by Rob Manning 2006-12-09

Please vote for us in the JDJ Readers' Choice

Please cast your vote here:

We are nominated for the categories
Best Database Tool or Driver
Best Java Data Access Tool

Posted by Gerd Wagner 2006-11-25

Version 2.3.1 released

This is just a big-fix release. Changes since 2.3 final in this release are as follows:

1554175: (Aliases lost on close)
1532997: (NullPointerException when trying to save alias)
1522229: (Error occured saving Alias Definitions java.lang.NullPointer)
Many people complained about this one. At first we determined this was low
priority since it didn't seem to be reproducable on all jvms. We inadvertantly
changed the SQLDriverPropertyCollectionBeanInfo such that it no longer
accurately described the bean SQLDriverPropertyCollection. in 1.4.2_05 this
triggered an NPE bug in the jvm code (Introspector.addPropertyDescriptor) which
caused the SQLAlias persistence to fail, leaving the user with no aliases.... read more

Posted by Rob Manning 2006-11-09

Alias NPE issue resolved

Older JVMs (and even 1.5.0_09 according to one user) would experience a NullPointerException on exit, causing Alias changes not to be saved. There was a bug in one of the SQuirreL JavaBean classes that supports persisting Aliases to an XML format when SQuirreL is closed. This bug was triggering a NullPointException in some JVMs, which is a bug in itself, over which we have no control. However, the errant code was spotted and fixed and the latest snapshot was tested with 1.4.2_05 (which always had the problem) and it appears to be fixed. The snapshot installer and source code with the fixed code is here:... read more

Posted by Rob Manning 2006-11-04

SQuirreL 2.3 final released

Changes since 2.3 RC2:


An Italian translation of SQuirreL labels/messages is now available in the
installer (Thanks to Ivo Neri)

Bug Fixes:

1563613: Alias property window dies when URL is malformed.

1563610: (Only connection specified DB schema loaded regardless)
Enhanced the catalog selection so that changing the catalog
updates the schema info and expands the TABLES node in the tree
for the selected catalog.... read more

Posted by Rob Manning 2006-10-08

New Translation: Italian

New translation available:
Italian by Ivo Neri
For details see

Posted by Rob Manning 2006-10-08

Don't use JDK/JRE 1.4.2_03, Aliases may not show

here is be a problem when JDK/JRE 1.4.2_03 or below is used. It seems like SQuirreL can't show and save your Aliases anymore. When you use a JRE/JDK higher than 1.4.2_03 (preferably a 1.5.x version) the problem should be gone. If not try to remove the SQLAliases23.xml in your .squirrel-sql directory. The directory should be located in you user home directory.

Posted by Gerd Wagner 2006-09-19

SQuirreL 2.3 rc2 released

Version 2.3 rc2 has been release. Changes made
since 2.3 rc1 are:

New Features/Enhancements:

Feature Request #1556226: New menu items in the right mouse menu of tables -
"Adopt all column widths" - Adopts all columns widths of current table to
"Always adopt all column widths" (check box) - Widths are automatically
adopted for all tables opened
in the future.

New menu-item "Export CSV" in context menu of table contents spreadsheet allows
the user to choose whether to use formatting from Global Prefs or default
formatting.... read more

Posted by Rob Manning 2006-09-17

New translation: French

New translation available:
French by Erwan Duroselle
For details see

Posted by Gerd Wagner 2006-09-06

New translations: Chinese and German(unfinished)

New translations are available:
Chinese by xpdz
German (yet unfinshed) by Andreas Oswald
For details see

Posted by Gerd Wagner 2006-08-18

SQuirreL 2.3 rc1 released

Version 2.3 rc1 is released. See for details.

Posted by Gerd Wagner 2006-07-11

New translation: Bulgarian

New translation available:
Bulgarian by Ivan Dimov
For details see

Posted by Gerd Wagner 2006-05-22

New translations: Brazilian and Czech

New translations are available:
Brazilian by Francis Martin
Czech by Jan Kostrhun
For details see

Posted by Gerd Wagner 2006-05-17

SQuirreL 2.2 final released

Version 2.2 final is released. See for details.

Posted by Rob Manning 2006-04-15

SQuirreL 2.2 rc1 released

Version 2.2 rc1 is released. See for details.

Posted by Rob Manning 2006-03-18

New Plugin: JExplose

The JExplose Plugin by Jayasoft ( provides a new way to navigate between SQuirreL's Internal Frames.
To download and for further information see:

Posted by Gerd Wagner 2006-03-18

Paper on SQuirreL by Gerd Wagner and Glenn Griffin

A paper on SQuirreL by Gerd Wagner and Glenn Griffin is available in the introduction section. See

Posted by Gerd Wagner 2006-03-12

Spanish translation by Diego Schulz

The Spanish translation of SQuirreL is available. Thanks a lot to Diego Schulz.

for details.

Posted by Gerd Wagner 2006-02-05

Translators (I18N) needed

Please help us translate SQuirreL. Visit for details.

Posted by Gerd Wagner 2005-12-30

Please vote for us in the JDJ Readers' Choice

We are taking part in the JDJ Readers' Choice categories:
- Best Database Tool
- Best Data Accees Tool
Please vote for us. We entered the race a little late and need to catch up. Visit for details.

Posted by Gerd Wagner 2005-12-30