
Version 2.3.2 released

2.3.2 (Stable bug-fix release)


OraclePlugin bug: Use a new info tab instead of re-using. Otherwise,
the tabs will not display properly

Fixed an NullPointerException that occurs occasionally when an object in
the object tree (like a table) is refreshed.

Fixed an issue involving objects not appearing in the object tree for

1508503 (Double entry for each column fields): Don't add the column to the
list if it is already there - uses the fully qualified version of the column,
so may still see duplicate columns with different types.

DBCopy plugin: Fixed bug in copying FK constraints where the primary key table
name wasn't fully qualified the schema of the destination database. This was
most noticeable when copying tables with FKs into a schema which was not the
default schema for that session.

Applied 1598162 - Under Java 6 you have to click the Connect button twice when the app is first started.

Applied 1595913: Cannot select SQL drop-down under java 6 from HEAD

Removed dependency on Java 5 from the DBCopy plugin.

Applied - 1601610 bug while editing integer/long columns

Posted by Rob Manning 2006-12-09

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