
#1509 Can't retrieve passwords, write only


Something that bugs me a lot about Squirrel, is that the passwords stored are write-only. After entering them, you can't get them back. So when you need that password for something else... like entering in your app, you've got to hunt around somewhere else for it. Now sure, one could maintain a separate list, but Squirrel tends to be the definitive place where one has one's list of databases sorted out. And you just know that internally Squirrel knows the password, it just won't tell you it. I'd like to see a little view password icon on the "Change alias" dialog box", similar to how, for example, KeepassXC password manager has a little view password button. Then it would truly be my one stop manager for my list of databases.


  • Gerd Wagner

    Gerd Wagner - 2022-08-10
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Gerd Wagner

    Gerd Wagner - 2022-08-10

    Committed to our GIT repositories. Will be available in future snapshots and versions.

    Excerpt from change log:
    Option to view and/or copy passwords of Aliases.
    This option is switched off by default and can be switched on at menu File --> Global Preferences
    --> tab General on the lower right see box titled "Alias password access"

  • Chris Bitmead

    Chris Bitmead - 2022-08-10

    Wow thanks, that was fast work. I don't see why a useful feature should have to be switched on, but still great that it's there.


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