Activity for SQUIN

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r478]

    added back a method 'increasePriority' in 'URIL...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r477]

    changed 'increasePriority' to 'changePriority' ...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r476]

    changed 'increasePriority' to 'changePriority' ...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r475]

    changed 'upgradePriority' to 'setPriority'

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r474]

    there may be exceptions when notifying the list...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r473]

    gives a name to the current thread

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r472]

    gives a name to the current thread

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r471]

    bug fix in statistics generation (when making H...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r470]

    added type information to the statistics

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r469]

    added information about the class to the statis...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r468]

    added 'isEmpty' to te interface

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r467]

    added UnboundedPrioritizedQueueImpl

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r466]

    added 'isEmpty' to te interface

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r465]

    changed the return type of 'registerListener' i...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r464]

    added another constructor that merges two given...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r463]

    changed the notion of provenance for SolutionMa...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r462]

    added method 'getDereferencingResultIterator' t...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r461]

    added getVariables

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r460]

    added a few additional log messages

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r459]

    bug fix: locking the status to increase priorit...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r458]

    collect statistics for re-prioritizing

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r457]

    collect statistics for re-prioritizing

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r456]

    added the method 'increasePriority' to the 'URI...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r455]

    added the method 'increasePriority' to the 'URI...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r454]

    adjusted the 'URILookUpManager' interface: meth...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r453]

    added method 'contributingURLs'

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r452]

    added the possibility for increasing and decrea...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r451]

    set timeouts for dereferencing

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r450]

    moved the robots.txt based check to the deref.t...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r449]

    log message added

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r448]

    log message added

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r447]

    changed the URILookUpManager interface to suppo...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r446]

    the success of 'initiateLookUp' and 'dealWithPe...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r445]

    replaced 'handleCompletedTask' and 'handleFaile...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r444]

    added URILookUpResultBase and URILookUpResultCo...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r443]

    added URILookUpResultBase and URILookUpResultCo...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r442]

    moved the member 'lookupCxt' from URILookUpMana...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r441]

    moved the ThreadPoolExecutor from URILookUpMana...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r440]

    split the code in URILookUpManagerBase to separ...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r439]

    added the possibility to extend a given set of ...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r438]

    updated class comment

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r437]

    slightly changed the way priority upgrades are ...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r436]

    added method 'upgradePriority' to the interface...

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r435]

    bug fix by Günther Zehetner

  • Olaf Hartig Olaf Hartig committed [r434]

    bug fix by Günther Zehetner