
#61 Corrupt / truncated mksquashfs output when writing to CIFS

v1.0 (example)


I am experiencing corrupt output when trying to use mksquashfs to make backup images.

mksquashfs consistently produces output files that can't be mounted (kernel says bad/missing superblock)
Output files have a different length every time, using the exact same arguments to mksquashfs
Occasionally mksquashfs segfaults at 100%; other times it manages to print the summary and exit (have only seen the segfault on a large job)
In all cases, it sits at 100% for several seconds before either finishing or crashing

Potentially relevant facts:
Happens with both 4.2 and 4.3
System is running an RTAI kernel
Output file is being written to a remote disk over CIFS
Source is a large ext3 partition on an old hard disk connected via USB<->PATA adaptor (note: also tested with a very small, ~100MB boot partition with similar results)
Similar results with either gzip or lzo compression selected
Similar results when specifying either 1 or 2 processors
* Writing to a local disk instead seems to produce valid output

Seems like the output is being randomly truncated (writer getting killed before it's done flushing?) even when the program appears to complete the job and exit normally...


  • Greg Courville

    Greg Courville - 2015-06-22

    Whoops, sorry about the formatting.

  • Greg Courville

    Greg Courville - 2015-06-27

    Started trying to debug on my own, and found that I can not reproduce this with a freshly compiled squashfs-tools from the 4.3 source release. This ticket can probably be closed.



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