
squash ladder PHP / News: Recent posts

v0.9.x dev

Finally starting to load some of the new v0.9.x code on to subversion. A working release is some way off but if you checkout the head revision from the subversion repository you will find much of the framework operates.

New features include.
A new installer
Better security

The idea is an extensible modular framework so that it’s easier for users to modify the code and submit their own modules.

Posted by Matt Evans 2009-07-23

Subversion up and running

The code is now uploaded to the subversion server here at Sourceforge. This starts with v0.7.9 release and v0.8.2 release in tags. The dev version 0.8.3 is committed to trunk. You will be able to grab the latest code here including bug fixes although the usual warning applies to install with care.
Anyone may browse or checkout the code but if you wish to commit changes please email me to get permission.

Posted by Matt Evans 2008-03-09

v0.8.2 uploaded

Version 0.8.2 of squash ladder PHP is now available for download. It's very much an alpha and you should install with great care having backed up your files and database first. There is a db upgrader from v0.7.9 included. Please post any comments or findings on the website.

Posted by Matt Evans 2008-02-28

Free sports ladder hosting

I am pleased to announce that I am now hosting sports ladders (squash, badminton, tennis, computer gaming etc) for free at

Please visit:

Posted by Matt Evans 2005-02-20

squash ladder PHP v0.7.8 released

This version has a lot of functionality enhancements and behind the scene changes. See the demo on or download the source code package (including full installation instructions) from

Posted by Matt Evans 2005-02-17

Announcements mailing list added

An email list has been set up for announcements about the latest releases and developments of squash ladder PHP. You can subscribe/unsubscribe here:

Posted by Matt Evans 2005-02-10

squash ladder PHP v0.7.7 alpha on demo site

In preparation of the release of squash ladder PHP (probably early February 2005) I have uploaded an early version of 0.7.7 to the demo site. This has quite a few additional features and can be found here:

Posted by Matt Evans 2005-01-18

squash ladder PHP v0.7.6 released

Version 0.7.6 of squash ladder PHP has been released. This includes a number of improved features plus some bug fixes. Full details can be found here:

Posted by Matt Evans 2005-01-08