
Survey request for MSc Project

  • KeithFogarty

    KeithFogarty - 2014-05-07

    Hi SQLUnit-developers,

    I was hoping you may be able to help. I'm working on a MSc. thesis and am looking to distinguish (java) Open Source Test-First and Test-Last projects for a research experiment.

    To this end I was hoping that contributors to SQLUnit would consider filling out the linked short survey (12 questions) for this project (or any other open source java project you are involved in)?

    My research will look at and compare design pattern usage in Test-First and Test-Last projects in relation to effectiveness and design quality.

    If you would be interested in learning more about the project or its findings please enter your detail in the comment box on the survey and I will contact you once the project is complete.

    I intend to use the results of the survey solely for the purposes of the dissertation. Individual contributors will not be named in any reporting of the project. If you do not wish your project to be identified you can indicate so in the survey and its name will be masked.

    Many thanks in advance; your help is very much appreciated.

    Keith Fogarty

    Link to the survey:

    • Sujit Pal

      Sujit Pal - 2014-05-07

      Hi Keith,

      SQLUnit is a dead project. I ran it for 2 years and it was reasonably
      popular then (there were lots of enhancement requests) but ultimately I got
      bored and handed over admin rights to another developer. I just checked the
      site and I see that the last release was the one I did before I left in
      June 2006. There are some open bugs since then (the last one is in 2010),
      but there is no recent activity as far as I can tell. Do you still want me
      to fill out the form?


      On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 5:03 AM, KeithFogarty keithfogarty@users.sf.netwrote:

      Hi SQLUnit-developers,

      I was hoping you may be able to help. I'm working on a MSc. thesis and am
      looking to distinguish (java) Open Source Test-First and Test-Last projects
      for a research experiment.

      To this end I was hoping that contributors to SQLUnit would consider
      filling out the linked short survey (12 questions) for this project (or any
      other open source java project you are involved in)?

      My research will look at and compare design pattern usage in Test-First
      and Test-Last projects in relation to effectiveness and design quality.

      If you would be interested in learning more about the project or its
      findings please enter your detail in the comment box on the survey and I
      will contact you once the project is complete.

      I intend to use the results of the survey solely for the purposes of the
      dissertation. Individual contributors will not be named in any reporting of
      the project. If you do not wish your project to be identified you can
      indicate so in the survey and its name will be masked.

      Many thanks in advance; your help is very much appreciated.

      Keith Fogarty

      Link to the survey:

      Survey request for MSc Project

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      • KeithFogarty

        KeithFogarty - 2014-05-07

        Hi Sujit,

        Yes please, if you could still fill it out I'd be very grateful.
        It's not necessary that the project be still active.

        Thanks a million,


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