
SQLToNeo / News: Recent posts

Important bugfix release 2.0.4

This release fixed the critical bug of permute javaname <> name and required true <> false.
All user of older versions should update to this new version 2.0.4.

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2005-01-26

Important bugfix release 2.0.3

All user of a version from 2.0.0-2.0.2 should use this new release! New user as well. Below you see a list of
changes and bugfixes.

+ Under some circumstances SQLToNeo has written wrong relations.
+ In the resulting xml modelfile hidden was always set to true.
+ SQLToNeo writes reference instead of ireference.
+ Converting the state of a DataGridBoolColumn into a boolean type
result in an exception, if the state was DBNull.... read more

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2004-11-30

SQLToNeo 2.0.2 released

Now version 2.0.2 is again available as executable file. Next to some bugfixes the only visible new thing is the commandline support.

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2004-11-27

Source of version 2.0.0 released

This morning i released version 2.0.0. This version is a complete rewrite. New more comfortable gui and new faster analyzer and builder. Take a look at the the homepage for a screenshot.

If you found bugs or have any suggestions be so kind and post it here

Lars Behrmann

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2004-11-10

Preview SQLToNeo Version 2.0.0 Screenshot

First Screenshot of the next version 2.0.0 is as a preview online. The next version comes not only with a new gui design it's a complete rewrite. With a set of interfaces that should make it easy to implement analyzer for the other possible datastores of neo Oracle and Firebird.

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2004-11-02

Source code 1.0.3 - Supports autoincrement

Added defaultIdMethods over ComboBox selection. Choose native if you use autoincrement in your database tables.
The current binary release still don't have this option implemented.

Lars B.

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2004-10-12

Source code - via download


i created a new package containing the SQLToNeo sourcecode. Including the the "new feature" cascade rules. The current binary version doesn't contain this now. I will deploy a new release after adding the autoincrement request.

Lars B

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2004-10-07

Support for onUpdate and onDelete rules


SQLToNeo now supports onUpdate and onDelete rules for foreign-keys and iforeign-keys. There isn't a new release containing this feature now. If somebody want or need to use this feature could do an anonymous cvs checkout. Use the SQLToNeo_1_0_0_Bugfixes branch.

Lars B.

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2004-10-04

SQLToNeo 1.0.1 beta Released

Today, i released Version 1.0.1 beta. It will fix several bugfixes. (Reset ModelBuilder DataSets, Wrong DataTypes, Primary key problems)
There are no changes to the project and restriction objects, so you can simply overwrite your existing .exe file.

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2004-09-28

Current stable CVS branch

for all those who want to do a cvs checkout. Notice that that i'm currently working on the SQLToNeo_Release_1_0_0_Bugfixes branch.

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2004-09-22

SQLToNeo 1.0.0 beta

SQLToNeo version 1.0.0 beta is available via sourceforge download.

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2004-09-21

SQLToNeo - Bugfixes and Add On

now it is possible to choose the type of DB connection. That simply means, that you could choose if want to connect the database via SSPI or Standard Security (User/Password) .
I also fixed some bugs in managing the restrictions. SQLToNeo is still available via anonymous cvs checkout!

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2004-09-14

SQLToNeo available through CVS

At this time SQLToNeo is only available through anonymous CVS checkout. You will get full executable Visual Studio .net Project. Yust compile and run SQLToNeo.

Posted by Lars Behrmann 2004-09-09