
SQLShell 0.5 released

The SQLShell team is proud to announce the 0.5 release. A lot of work has gone into implementing the possibility to abort a running query. If a query can be aborted is mostly up to the jdbc implementation you are using. Aborting a query can be done by pressing 'ctrl+a'. My main target database platform used to be Oracle, which explains why the previous versions where mostly targetted at Oracle compatibility. A month ago I started using Mysql for a personal project and as a result I had to add some fixes to SQLShell for it to be usefull in Mysql. I hope, with these fixes, to have addressed more issues for other database vendors.

New features include:
* Allow for commands to start in the background, this will allow to continue reading keyboard input (currently used to abort commands)
* Added help to keyboard mappings (pageup/down/end/home, etc)
* BUGFIX: Added fixes for mysql, mysql uses lowercase tablenames where oracle uses uppercase. Currenlty SQLShell tries to figure out which one to use automatically
* timestamp display fixes
* Tabcompletion improvements (fixed deadlock caused by an error in regular expressions api from java)
* Improved navigation in edit mode (home/end). It should be more intuitive and usefull now
* Removed border of one character to maximize the usage of the screen

Also some good news from the development department. Another person has shown interest into working on SQLShell. He has some nice ideas, like persistant history over sessions. For more ideas please see the discussion forum. We hope to be able to include his fixes for the next version.

As far as 1.0 is concerned. There is no releaseplan for a full (API) stable release yet. But we are working hard to make/keep SQLShell releases as stable as possible for daily production work.

Kind regards,

Posted by Roy van der Kuil 2008-03-14

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