
document Function - GetWebPage

ema manu


this function downlaod and returns the web page from a url.
It also exec the javascritp of the page


declare @s nvarchar(max)

select @s=node
from [dbo].[GetWebPage]('','',1)

print @s

and this extract only from the tag "td"

declare @s nvarchar(max)

select @s=node
from [dbo].[GetWebPage]('','//td',1)

print @s

and has sense usign Sql xml functions

select CONVERT(xml,node)
from [dbo].[GetWebPage]('','//td',1)


  • @url:
    it's the web page to download
  • @node:
    it's the node from where extract the page
  • @innerText
    if get also inner text of tags

a complete example

drop table #t2

--create a loop to have incremental number
tmp1 as
    select 1 t,11 n
    union all
    select 2 t,n+1
    from tmp1 t1
    where t1.n+1<=10
select t2.title,,t2.node node1,
       t3.text,t3.node node2
into #t2
from tmp1 t1
--find in the section title
cross apply
    select --node.value('span[1]/td[3]/div[1]/a[1]/@href','varchar(max)'),
           i1.node.value('span[1]/td[2]/div[1]/a[1]','varchar(max)') title,
           ''+right(node.value('span[1]/td[1]/@id','varchar(max)'),7) link,
    --open the url and get tag from '//table/tbody/tr' and consider inner tags
    from config.GetWebPage(''+CONVERT(varchar,t1.n)+'&order=desc','//table/tbody/tr',1) i1
    where i1.node.value('span[1]/td[1]/@id','varchar(max)')like'td_threadstatusicon_%'
--get content for each title
outer apply
    select i2.node.value('span[1]/div[1]/strong[1]','varchar(max)')title,
    from config.GetWebPage(,'//table/tr/td',1) i2
    where 0=0
      --and i1.node.value('span[1]/div[2]/@id','varchar(max)')like'post_message_%'
      and i2.node.value('span[1]/div[1]/strong[1]','varchar(max)')=t2.title
where 0=0

select t1.title,t1.text,*
from #t2 t1
where 0=0