
Tree [b0af2d] master trunk /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 debian 2013-10-05 Oleg Broytman Oleg Broytman [3b95b0] Merge revision 4667 from branch 1.5: remove men...
 docs 2014-07-22 Oleg Broytman Oleg Broytman [b0af2d] Merge revision 4759 from branch 1.7: update News
 scripts 2011-04-18 Oleg Broytman Oleg Broytman [25e4ae] Merged revision 4381 from branch 1.0: version 1...
 sqlobject 2014-05-11 Oleg Broytman Oleg Broytman [9b6048] Merge revision 4739 from branch 1.7: replace ti... 2013-10-05 Oleg Broytman Oleg Broytman [3b95b0] Merge revision 4667 from branch 1.5: remove men...
 README.txt 2014-05-04 Oleg Broytman Oleg Broytman [533432] The next branch will be 2.0 2014-06-29 Oleg Broytman Oleg Broytman [ee60c2] Merge revision 4755 from branch 1.7: "upgrade" ...
 setup.cfg 2013-12-18 Oleg Broytman Oleg Broytman [706c31] Fix doc-dest URLs 2013-12-20 Oleg Broytman Oleg Broytman [5d0bc0] Add Oleg Broytman as the maintainer

Read Me

SQLObject 2.0

Thanks for looking at SQLObject.  SQLObject is an object-relational
mapper, i.e., a library that will wrap your database tables in Python
classes, and your rows in Python instances.

It currently supports MySQL through the `MySQLdb` package, PostgreSQL
through the `psycopg` package, SQLite, Firebird, MaxDB (SAP DB), MS SQL
Sybase and Rdbhost.  It should support Python versions back to 2.5.

For more information please see the documentation in
docs/SQLObject.txt, or online at