
ADO.NET 2.0 Provider for SQLite / News: Recent posts

SQLite ADO.NET Provider Released

The SQLite ADO.NET provider is a full ADO.NET 2.0/3.5 provider for the SQLite database engine. It is available for the full and compact framework and now includes full mono support.

The latest release introduces full mono support via fully-managed provider backing to the core sqlite shared library 3.6.1 or higher at

This version includes full Entity Framework support as well, compiled against the new Visual Studio 2008 SP1 which RTM'd today.

Posted by Robert Simpson 2008-08-11

VS2008 SP1 BETA1 LINQ Support

The System.Data.SQLite ADO.NET project has released version of its provider. Preliminary support for Microsoft's Entity Framework is included in this release. This version works with the VS2008 Service Pack 1 Beta.

Posted by Robert Simpson 2008-07-01

SQLite ADO.NET vNext Provider

The first 3rd party provider for ADO.NET vNext has been released!
This SQLite ADO.NET vNext provider works with Microsoft's August LINQ CTP.
The archive file contains sample code and the provider binary, and has very little in the way of documentation.


Posted by Robert Simpson 2006-09-06

SQLite for ADO.NET 2.0 RTM

To coincide with the Visual Studio 2005 RTM, the ADO.NET 2.0 Data Provider for SQLite has also gone gold.

This latest version corrects several lingering design-time issues, improves the design-time install script, and has better support for version-independent drop-in replacement of the library.

Posted by Robert Simpson 2005-11-03


SQLite vs. Firebird, MS Access and the new Sql Mobile are available on the new forums at:

The Summary: The ADO.NET 2.0 Provider for SQLite smokes them all by a far and wide margin.

Posted by Robert Simpson 2005-09-01

Visual Studio Design-Time Support

Version 1.0.14 of the SQLite .Net Data Provider for ADO.NET 2.0/VS 2005 is out and includes design-time support. You can now create databases, design queries, and drag-and-drop tables to create typed datasets within Visual Studio 2005.

Posted by Robert Simpson 2005-08-16

Full Support for CompactFramework

The ADO.NET 2.0 Provider for SQLite now fully supports the CompactFramework! Support begins with version 1.0.12 of the library.

Posted by Robert Simpson 2005-08-06

SQLite.NET v1.0.12 Released!

The latest version of the SQLite.NET provider for ADO.NET 2.0 has been released. The biggest change in this version is the additional support for the Compact Framework.

Posted by Robert Simpson 2005-08-06

Major library changes

In preparation for the upcoming Compact Framework file release (1.0.12 is in CVS and being tested), several changes have occurred in the library. The most significant of which involves the Full Framework version, which no longer requires a separate Interop DLL. The native sqlite3 codebase and the managed C# wrappers have now been merged into a single multi-module assembly.

The Compact Framework folks will still have to make due with two redistributable DLL's unfortunately.... read more

Posted by Robert Simpson 2005-08-02

Whidbey Beta 2

The 1.09 build of SQLite for .NET 2 has been recompiled with VS2005 beta 2. Support for beta 1 and the CTP's has been removed from this build.


Posted by Robert Simpson 2005-05-25

February CTP is out!

The February Community Technology Preview of Visual Studio 2005 is out! If you haven't got it, GET IT.

The latest 1.07 build of the SQLite provider for ADO.NET 2.0 is out and built with the new February CTP. Enjoy!

Posted by Robert Simpson 2005-03-05