
Data comparer: chosing working datasource (to avoid SQL Exception: MERGED_123456789 not found)

  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2015-10-21

    starting with version 2015.10 Data comparer needs a working datasource ...

    Don't specify any and just "start" : you will receive the message saying

    Please create and OPEN a csvjdbc connection using jar file provided in sqleo/lib directory with
    DRIVER: org.relique.jdbc.csv.CsvDriver
    URL: jdbc:relique:csv:tempFilePath?separator=;
    Then RE-LAUNCH the data comparer!

    where tempFilePath is:
    - %TEMP% value on windows
    - $TEMP value on unix systems

    Create this data source and choose it as Working one. It will be reused during next data comparer session

    If you have provided a wrong working datasource you should receive an SQL exception saying that object MERGED_123456789 not found when running Data Comparer

  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2015-10-25

    Any H2 connection is also supported as "Working connection",
    In this case there is no need of providing a path for the TEMP directory.


    Last edit: PAscal 2015-10-25


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