PAscal - 2012-09-17

starting with SQLeo.2012.07Beta02

  • Load jdbc driver
    click on CsvJdbc driver
    choose install (at bottom left)
    select ..\lib\csvjdbc.1.0-11.jar file

  • Create datasources csv and txt
    right click on CsvJdbc driver
    select new datasource
    name csv
    url jdbc:relique:csv:.\def?separator=;

  • Select new datasource
    name txt
    url jdbc:relique:csv:.\def?separator=;&fileExtension=.txt

  • Open a file
    connect to datasource (no user/password are needed)
    expand subtree of datasource
    select TABLE folder
    choose a file (double click or right click "show content")

  • Edit a file
    modify a cell
    or clone a line
    or delete a line

  • Save a file
    actions/export data
    choose a file name for text file (.txt will be added)
    then next
    check with header
    delimiter = ;
    check from grid
    All records
    The file should be created

  • Open the file with txt datasource


Last edit: PAscal 2012-09-18