
SQLeo Start up GUI Bug

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-11-06


    I seem to get a recurring error when starting SQLeo (SQLeoVQB.2015.05.rc1) in WIndows 7 in that I double-click the icon to run it but the GUI does not initialise. If I then open Task Manager and end the 'javaw' process then restart SQLeo sometimes the GUI will then appear but other times I have to kill the javaw process multiple times and restart to get the GUI to appear.

    Any ideas on what might be causing this?

    Many Thanks

  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2015-11-06


    We already met this problem ...
    But haven't find why (we should try with some tracing tools)

    Please retry many times, and if still blocked
    Rename or delete .sqleo.config directory found in your home
    Then restart sqleo (preferences will be lost).

    Thanks for your feedback

  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2016-01-15

    ticket #338 created

  • Dave Albright

    Dave Albright - 2016-01-20

    same problem here.
    deleteing config does not always help
    run in terminal shows:
    SQLeoUsingLookAndFeel: [The Java(tm) Look and Feel - javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel]
    version: 2016.01.rc1+
    Loading resources...
    Loading window...
    hangs there and have to kill process.
    maybe starts 1 out of 10 times
    running ubuntu 15.10 64 bit
    java version "1.7.0_91"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.3) (7u91-2.6.3-0ubuntu0.15.10.1)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.91-b01, mixed mode)

    • PAscal

      PAscal - 2016-01-20

      Thanks for reporting this
      could we try to get more informations as explained here after ?

      If the application appears to be hung and the process appears to be idle, then the first step is to try to obtain a thread dump. If the application console is available, then press the Ctrl-\ keys (on Solaris OS or Linux) or the Ctrl-Break keys (on Windows) to cause the HotSpot VM to print a thread dump. On Solaris OS and Linux the thread dump can also be obtained by sending a SIGQUIT to the process (command kill -QUIT <pid>).

      • PAscal

        PAscal - 2016-01-20

        for those who are searching CTRL-BREAK

  • Anu

    Anu - 2016-01-21

    Thanks for the dump, Can you try below steps ?

    1. Go to .sqleo.config folder and open .sqleo.xml file
    2. Look for "application.checkforupdate" without quotes
    3. Change the boolean to false as <boolean>false</boolean> and save the file

    Now start SQLeo to see if starts fine without any error.
    Try multiple times to restart SQLeo to confirm that it's starting fine.


    Last edit: Anu 2016-01-21
  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2016-01-22

    Here is a beta version including a fix,
    please test it and tell us if the problem is gone ;o)

  • Dave Albright

    Dave Albright - 2016-01-22

    changing the sqleo.xml did not seem to correct it for me
    here is a thread dump from pre-beta


  • Dave Albright

    Dave Albright - 2016-01-22

    tried the beta
    started 3 times fine and then the same problem occurred.
    here is thread dump from the beta

  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2016-01-24

    Here is beta2 version,

    feedback is wellcome ;o)
    Thanks in advance

  • Dave Albright

    Dave Albright - 2016-01-25

    sorry to say still does it
    application.checkforupdate is set to false
    2 attachments
    BETA2-2 is a dump when it fails to open the gui
    BETA2-3 is a dump when it opens gui properly
    don't know if this helps.

    • PAscal

      PAscal - 2016-01-25

      on our side beta2 version gives the following output:

      SQLeoUsingLookAndFeel: [The Java(tm) Look and Feel - javax.swing.plaf.metal.Meta

      version: 2016.02.b1
      Loading resources...
      Loading window...
      Loading Client Metadata...
      Metadata Loaded...
      Preparing auto connection...
      Testing for updates...
      Main done ...

      Bold text as been added, and I don't find it in your output files.
      Could you double check that you have run the new jar ?

      Thanks in advance for your help

  • Dave Albright

    Dave Albright - 2016-01-26

    my apologies
    seems i accidently recopied B1
    Beta 2 started 25 + times without a problem.
    seems to be good here

    • PAscal

      PAscal - 2016-01-26

      Thanks a lot for reporting this bug and testing
      This will be included in next release



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