
Can't get schema information from a SQL Server Odbc connection

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-11-01

    This looks like a great tool! The ability to start a query with one table, then build it up with that table's "neighbors" seems like a great way to do it! That said, I'm not having much luck using it that way for an SQL Server Database.

    I can execute a one table query, but I can't add other tables to the query by dragging them. (Some message flashes up, but it looks to be blank...) I think that I'm missing metadata, since the explorer is missing object/column names. I've created ODBC connections for all three SQL Server drivers and connected to it, but none of them do it right; No object/column names show up in the Metadata explorer for any of drivers.

    Is there some log I can set up and look at to see what's going on?



  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2013-11-01

    Hi, thanks for testing SQLeo with SQL server. It was suppoted at the beginning of SQLeonardo, but the team has not tested new dev with it anymore ...

    Could you test first with option "quoting identifiers" enabled ?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-11-01

    Quoting identifiers doesn't work, still no names. It must be a subtle thing, as the column names do show up when you drop a table into the table view. As an aside, it would be very cool to have the ability to pick tables that forma a path between arbitrary tables using that metadata.

  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2013-11-01

    it seems to be an old bug
    does it work with the default schema ?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-11-01

    I think we have only one schema, so it's potentially that bug spreading out to the default schema now.

    I'm very interested in the tool with the existing features, as our database is extremely complex and this tool has helpful functionality. It also has the kernel of functionality to actually automatically assist query building. An intelligent query writer would be amazing if you let the tool help the user create the query to return the data he's looking for and even do some estimation of correctness. For instance if you throw two or three tables on to a query that have data you're interested in, you could allow the tool to generate various options to connect those tables together using foreign key relationships via depth first/breadth first search. After the collection of all possible paths (excluding looping paths) the user chooses what path is likely to be the best by one by one choosing additional tables from the collection of paths, thus reducing the number of possible paths by excluding paths that don't include that new table. The query is complete when all the tables in the query are connected, but even then additional tables man need to be included to add constraints or provide data at the right granularity and make the query more coherent. (Joining two large tables through a small constants table is usually a bad idea, for instance, even if it is the shortest path because the small table is already included because of a constraint.) I think I might be able to sell this as a side project with my employer if you'd be interested in including the result as an intelligent query builder.

  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2013-11-02

    we should first check if older versions of sqleo or sqleonardo were working with SQL server default schema (any feedback from users is wellcome), and try to correct it.

    note that it is possible to store all fk definitions in a csv flat file: you can always run your "shortest path" algorythm on it.



    Last edit: PAscal 2013-11-02
    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2013-11-04

      If I did a select for all FK and formatted it correctly, that would serve the purpose, then?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-11-04

    BTW, what is a reasonably stable version to start looking at sql server functionality?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-11-15

    I looked at this release, and the column names are missing here too using SQL server 2008 with the various default SQL server drivers. That says to me that there's some difference in my configuration from the working configs. How could we track down who was using it with SQL Server at the time and try to leverage their experience? Perhaps an archive of a discussion forum topic from that era?

  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2013-11-15

    The best place to search is Sqleonardo forums or if somebody reading here has some informations.

    ODBC drivers often have some specfic bugs not found with jdbc drivers, could you try with a JDBC drivers ?



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