
Transact-SQL Analyzer / News: Recent posts

Transact-SQL Analyzer Version 2.6

I had originally planned to jump to version 3.0 after the 2.0 release, but I decided to release some of the new features early. Version 2.6 is three features shy of the 3.0 milestone, but the code base is coming together well and 3.0 is just around the corner...

Posted by Mike Heidler 2001-04-23

Transact-SQL Analyzer Version .75 released!!

Version .75 of Transact-SQL Analyzer was finally resleased this week! This release includes implemented file and edit menus, and much improved file IO operations. The application remains stable, and allows users from any platform to interact with SQL Server databases.

Posted by Mike Heidler 2001-02-22

Version .5 Release

The initial beta release of Transact-SQL Analyzer was on February 8, 2001. This release includes the ability to log in to MS SQL Server databases via SQL Server authentication, execute queries, view results in text or grid format, change catalogs, open SQL files from the local filesystem, and save SQL queries as files on the local filesystem. The current release only works on VM Version 1.2.x.

Posted by Mike Heidler 2001-02-09