
sql-linux-lab / Blog: Recent posts

New version of the student guide

This new Student Guide version removes references to hprest (now called ilorest). It contains as well other very minor modifications.

Posted by François Donzé 2018-01-09 Labels: ilorest pmem hprest

Screenshot addition

Added 3 screenshots:
* Start of SQL Server on Linux Docker container
* CPU activity when the database log and data files are on persistent memory devices
* List of persistent memory devices (NVDIMM-N) in the server

Posted by François Donzé 2017-03-17 Labels: NVDIMM-N

Tested and validated with CTP 1.4

CTP 1.4 (Community Technology Preview) of MS SQL Server on Linux has been posted recently. I had to run the lab and adapt a few things.

Added the script

Updated the file

Posted by François Donzé 2017-03-16 Labels: CTP 1.4