
Strathclyde Poker Research Environment / News: Recent posts

New Version : Server and Admin Tool

Version 1.1 of the Server and Admin Tool should now be available from the Files area. This now features the ability to configure "Rigged Decks" for a table. The value that you enter for this should be a filename of a file in the same directory as the server.jar . The ability to use this feature is provided in the "New Table" dialog of the Admin Tool.

The file format is a 52 card specification per deck as "{2-A}{h|d|s|c} " pairs. Multiple decks can be specified in one file, each deck will be used for one hand (in order). This allows stringent testing in identical circumstances. An example of the format is included in "example.deck" and contains 2,000 hands.... read more

Posted by Luke Dicken 2011-07-16

Code Now Released - See SVN

As announced at AISB on 6th April, the code for SPREE is now available from the Sourceforge SVN. I will be packaging up some JARs for binary distribution in addition to code.

Note currently that this initial release works from the test database. You alter the settings in src/mysql/ to reflect a different server, however there is currently no published schema for establishing your own database. I'll release this ASAP once I can cut one from the test database.... read more

Posted by Luke Dicken 2011-04-07