
SpreadSheetPad / News: Recent posts

Where does SpreadSheetPad fit?

As far as text-editing goes, on one end of the spectrum you have the fully featured word processors like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice Writer, and at the other end you have the bare-boned editors like Notepad and a variety of Notepad replacements. In a somewhat-akward middle ground there are applications like Microsoft's WordPad, and OOXML Writer (I think thats the name).

If you just need to read a .txt file, or you want to jot down a quick to-do list, most people would use Notepad or one of it's equivolants. If you want to write a research paper or a business document, you'd want to use Word or OpenOffice Writer. Trying to use one of those applications to accomplish the other's task would be inefficient or impossible.... read more

Posted by gradberg 2011-02-13

SpreadSheet Pad!

The first source code is available for SpreadSheetPad. I've been working on this for a week now.

Other than for development purposes, the program is not yet usable, so there are no binaries available yet.

--Wondering how this program will work?
You'll create spreadsheets with plain text in a single Text Box. Each line in the Text Box is considered a row, and the lines are separated into cells by having at least two spaces between characters. This means you can very quickly create spreadsheets and take notes side-by-side in whatever text arrangement you like, without worrying about fitting data into a defined grid. If a cell is a formula (starts with =, ++, --, **, or //), the computed results replace the original text in that cell as long as your cursor is somewhere else. ... read more

Posted by gradberg 2011-02-12