
Super Posse Party / News: Recent posts

Late Update

I apalogize for not having an update as i had said I would, but there is good news (no I didn't save money on my car insurence with gekko :) ), I have decided to use the Yake game engine instead of building my own off of ogre3d. This is good because I will be getting updates out faster. Also I just got new harddrives and have been switching over to them. Do keep looking out for a new release soon.... read more

Posted by Justin 2005-10-11

Next Release

For those of you that are anticipating another release, i apologize for the wait, but it is still going to be there. CDSimpson and I have been discussing our project details and have decided to switch from just using Ogre and adding our stuff to a fully featured gaiming engine. We are now going to use yake, but seeing as that is still in development the process will be slow.

Thank you to those that have downloaded the pre-alpha. An update/revised release will be up as soon as possible.... read more

Posted by Justin 2005-08-27


0.002 is on the way, it will have sound and if time permits, I'll have a demo arena loading. I am hoping to havei it out by next weekend. I think it will, but complications could hold me back, but I will try my best. Also there are a few GUI changes. Also I have been offered by a friend of mine to do the background art, the curent one was suposed to be temporary anyway. So be looking forward to that, and after that, much more!

Posted by Justin 2005-07-18

PreAlpha-0.001 Released!

Okay, big wup, it's only 'Pre'Alpha-0.001, true, but it is a start, and menus do work!, altho the submenus just return to the mainmenu. It is a fairly nice start, and I can't wait to continue on it!

Posted by Justin 2005-07-12